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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 5, 2005
I've been trying for 3 days to place a reservation for the Genius Bar [keeps telling me everything's booked???]

I was wondering if Apple would replace my iPhone for these problems...

1. Polka dots
2. Backlight leakage into stripes above the screen & the speaker
3. Edges of the glass not flush with some corners [the whole face is slightly slanted]
4. Black plastic slightly bulging outwards [won't stay flush with the aluminum cover]
5. Not impressive battery life [probably subjective]
6. Not bright enough backlight [probably subjective also]

Polka dots?! Where, how big, what color...?

If there's some sort of imperfection in the body (bulging, glass not fitting exactly, etc), I would assume someone would at least look at and consider your complaint. Battery life depends on how you're using it, if you followed Apple's instructions for the first charges, compared to what's being advertised.

Do you know anyone else who has one, so you can compare yours to his/hers?
looking at the screen there's grey [small, 1px?] polka dots all over it [especially noticeable on the home screen].

no one else around me has an iphone

also theres a gap between the chrome edge and the black glass... there's dust gathered in there, and i can stick business cards into the gap and they just stand up! (probably 3-5 sheets of paper width)
Since you're obviously concerned about several things on this phone, take it and your receipt back to the store and present your case. You might get a few responses from people who've returned their phones for various reasons, but no one will be able to tell you what Apple will do in your particular situation.

The only other thing I can think to add, is to remind you to be pleasant and calm at all times with whomever you end up talking to. You probably already knew this. :)
alright, i've made a successful reservation with the genius bar and i'll present my case to him/her :)

should i bring all the accessories that came with it also? it seems as though replacement/repaired iphones come in a slimmer box (sans accessories).
alright, i've made a successful reservation with the genius bar and i'll present my case to him/her :)

should i bring all the accessories that came with it also? it seems as though replacement/repaired iphones come in a slimmer box (sans accessories).

Can't hurt to have everything with you.

Good luck. :)
looking at the screen there's grey [small, 1px?] polka dots all over it [especially noticeable on the home screen].

no one else around me has an iphone

also theres a gap between the chrome edge and the black glass... there's dust gathered in there, and i can stick business cards into the gap and they just stand up! (probably 3-5 sheets of paper width)

The polka dots, are they seen when the brightness level is at 100%? I've heard that those are part of the touch screen and are less noticeable at lower brightness settings. I have mine at around 60% or so and I don't see them. If I put it a 100%, then I begin to notice some dots, but that is if I'm really close to the screen at a certain angle.
I was wondering if Apple would replace my iPhone for these problems...

1. Polka dots
2. Backlight leakage into stripes above the screen & the speaker
3. Edges of the glass not flush with some corners [the whole face is slightly slanted]
4. Black plastic slightly bulging outwards [won't stay flush with the aluminum cover]
5. Not impressive battery life [probably subjective]
6. Not bright enough backlight [probably subjective also]


1. The "Polka dots" a re, unfortunately, normal for certain screens, though you could make a case for replacement anyway if they are seriously visible. The dots seem to vary from one 7 series screen to next, from being only barely visible if you stare nose-to-screen at it (like my iPhone) to annoying, blatanatly obvious from any distance and angle (as has been shown in photos on this forum). the more obvioust eh dots, the more likely it'll get repalced.

2, 3, and 6: These sound related and likely a build quality issue. The fit and finish on all the iPhones I've seen are very tight and flush. If your escreen is crooked, has qide gaps and is leaking a lot of light, take it back.

4 & 5: These two issues give me the greatest concern. I don't know where the battery is situated in the iPhone, but a combo of a bulging plastic back and a poor battery life is something to be worried about, as those of us with MacBook Pros have learned to be on the lookout for. Again, good reason to take it back.
ok so I went to the Apple Store today, and was told my issues were "cosmetic" and that gaps & backlight leaking are within "normal operation" and don't affect the functionality of the phone. The Genius did say that the polka dots were an issue and that Apple was investigating, but she was not allowed to send my iPhone in for repair.

Needless to say, I'm pissed off.
Try to book reservation again and talk to another Genius. I took my iBook last year to an Apple Store in Toronto, because it had a small bright spot in the middle of its screen. The first time I went, the Genius had trouble recognizing the issue, then she took it to "Head Genius" to show it to him. She then came back and told me that the problem was caused by the user, and thus not covered by the warranty.

I went back a few days later and showed it to another Genius. He instantly saw the problem and took it in for repair, and got my iBook's screen replaced under warrenty :)
i have similar issues regarding the polka dots, but there not too bad. The one i am concerned about is the black backing not being flush on one side. I was curious if this was a warranty issue.

dude , make a reservation at another store if u can.

Go there and tell them your accelleromater isnt working properly. the screen and lighting is giving u issues and etc.

If the accellerometer isnt working they automatically swap your phone with a brand new one! or refurbed.. im not sure

also , if u want! open ur phone and mess wit the touch screen cable connection on board. theyll see ur touch screen aint working properly and ur accelerometer aint working. THEY have to replace it

I was hving issues with my phone and I was desperater. I went in and told the "genius" that my acce. isnt working. he replaced it right away.

ALSO make ur reservation , when the store closes. the guys there are tired and they dont go into furtahr details.. bla bla and they replace it.

I hope this helps!

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