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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 12, 2004
does somebody know if gb work on a

mac os x
450 mgh
750 mb ram
30 gigabyte

i wanna buy it but im not sure if it works
(sorry for my english im dutch 14 years old)
greets pim
It will run. It might be limited when it comes to how many instruments you can use, but it'll run. Also, with a 30GB drive, make sure you have a lot of space available because Garage Band is huge. If I'm remembering correctly it takes up about 3GB.
According to the iLife website, minimum requorements are:

* Macintosh computer with a PowerPC G3, G4 or G5 processor
o 600MHz G3 or faster required for GarageBand
o G4 or faster required for GarageBand software instruments
o 733MHz G4 or faster required for iDVD
* 256MB of physical RAM
* Mac OS X v10.2.6 or later (Mac OS X v10.2.8 or later recommended)
* QuickTime 6.4 or later (QuickTime 6.5 included)
* Display with at least 1024-by-768-pixel resolution
* DVD drive required to install GarageBand and iDVD
* 4.3GB of disk space required to install GarageBand, iTunes, iPhoto, iMovie and iDVD; or 250MB to install iTunes, iPhoto and iMovie only.

So you may be out of luck :(
wPod said:
what? he has everything except 733mhz G4 needed for iDVD. so it should work garageband should work fine!
Right. Everything else should run. His computer wouldn't have come with a superdrive anyway.
Sorry, I thought it meant 600mHz or higher, but apparently that only applies to G3s
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