It totally wrecked my school dvd! I don't know what to do! I payed a lot of money for my education to be correspondence meaning my classes were recorded on dvd

I wanted to download a copy of the dvd's many classes so I could put them on my phone and have them on the go.. i used hand break and VLC and they totally made it so that my mac book air now says it can not play my school dvd ! I am dying.. I feel like hitting myself omg! its os bad and on top of them not working now.. I deleted all the hand break and VLC programs and it still says my dads can't be played as well as the hand break and vlc being total **** because it wouldn't even go into the two parts of the dvd menu and download both sets of my 7 classes.. I'm so ****ed.. i am seriously so stressed out .. I know why most students want to commit suicide now holy ****.. someone please help me ..
Ok..... if you’re not joking, because at first glance I took this as sarcasm, then the first thing to do is calm down. Then we can try to asses what happened.
First... neither handbrake or VLC can cause damage to your actual DVD disc. First thing I would try is playing the disc in a real DVD player that is directly connected to a television.
I believe from what I’m gathering, that if you are having trouble playing the DVD on a computer, and that you have a software problem going on with the computer.
Also be aware that if the movie is on a Blu-ray Disc, then you need a Blu-ray player (which no Mac ever shipped with), and software that can play a Blu-ray. Or you need a Blu-ray player hooked up to your television.
If none of that is the problem, then we need specific details to try and help you.
What is the URL / website address that you downloaded handbrake and VLC from? There are a lot of download sites that inject malware into programs that they offer for downloading. So caution should always be taken to make sure you only get the software from the actual person who wrote it.
The computer, which computer? Year, and model.
Such as:
MacBook Air (13-inch, Mid 2011)
Model Identifier: MacBookAir4,2
What exact operating system are you using? The exact version. Something like:
MacOS El Capitan 10.11.6
MacOS High Sierra 10.13.4
Windows 10
Also... since MacBook Air computers do not have a built-in DVD drive... what is the exact brand and model number DVD drive that you are using?
How much memory is in the computer?
If you’re using High Sierra, then are you using a SSD drive? Is it formatted with HFS+ or APFS
Some MacBook Air computers had a standard spinning mechanical hard drive. Some have Solid State (SSD) drives. If you have a SSD and upgraded to High Sierra, then you may likely be using APFS, which has been glitchy.
What exact steps, slowly and calmly, and detailed, did you take from beginning to end?
And same details on any other machine you have involved in the process.
Lastly, based on name, details, and writing style... are you my sister??? Lol. I’d go by the profile picture, but those are rarely the actual people. Especially mine. Lol.
If you have a family that took you in, giving you 4 additional brothers, bring the whole setup to your eldest brother.