Hello All!
Will I be able to upgrade Directly from Snow Leopard to Mountain Lion without going through Lion?
Thanks in advance
Apple announced on July 11, 2012 that Snow Leopard and Lion can upgrade to Mountain Lion from the Mac App Store!
From the MAS no, but I bet if you have a thumb drive version you can.
NO this is incorrect regardless of if you go from Mac App Store for $30 OR pay the $70 for the Thumb drive you STILL need Mac OS X 10.6.6 or later to upgrade to Lion.
Apple has NEVER supported upgrades that skipped over an OS version UNTIL 10.8 Mountain Lion (think the reasoning behind it is 10.8 and 10.7 will have similar firmware)
The only way to install 10.7 on a Machine that ran 10.5 is to clean install which means you have to erase the Macintosh HD partition first then install from the Thumb drive, after install you can restore your data from Time Machine or another backup.
The reason why skipping over versions is not doable for an update is that you are skipping firmware (and in some cases software) that is probably needed in order to do the upgrade in the first place.
The reason why a clean install works where an upgrade will not is you are erasing everything back to default and starting form scratch!
Hi there I'm a newbie around here but I saw this question.
I asked the same thing in the Apple store in Glasgow last week.
According to them you will NOT be able to upgrade from Snow Leopard (which is what I have) you will have to buy Lion first before you can upgrade to Mountain Lion.
Which sucks as I am unemployed. Yes I know its not a MASSIVE amount of money, but its money that I cant afford/justify at this time.
So I guess for me anyway I will be sticking with Snow Leopard for a bit longer.
I apologize for what the Apple Store falsely told you until Apple announces anything ARS and AppleCare (whom I work for) have no ideas just like the public has no idea.
I have been telling my customers that ask that Apple has not made any official announcements so while 10.7 required 10.6.6 or later to install, we do not yet know the software requirements for 10.8 Mountain Lion and to keep checking on apple.com/Mac OS X to find out more information as it is officially released.
Good news is that Today (June 11) apple announced that 10.6 and 10.7 can upgrade to 10.8 this July from MAS for 19.99!!