ok one quick question guys will i lose my Contacts , movies , music and etc if i jailbreak my iphone? and if i lose them can i just reguarly add my movies and music back on it and then how do i get my contacts back?
Yeah, but I thought you cant restore from a jailbroken backup? So does that mean you can only backup before the jailbreak and then never have a backup?
Yeah, but I thought you cant restore from a jailbroken backup? So does that mean you can only backup before the jailbreak and then never have a backup?
Don't confuse "restore from backup" with "restoring the firmware". To jailbreak, you create a custom firmware and restore that firmware. When you restore from backup, you aren't updating the firmware, you're replacing all of the saved settings, data, etc from the phone. So, from the start if you're going to jailbreak, first do a full backup. Then apply the jailbroken firmware, then restore from backup and you'll have all of your email, sms, contacts, etc.
Nothwithstanding what the other poster said, I fpersonallly would stay away from QuickPwn. Its too new and there are other issues such as not getting Cydia, etc in all cases.