I suspect I will, but as a newbie to the forum (and also as a lifelong PC guy) ready to make the plunge/pull the trigger on a new IMAC 24" . . . I am curious as to the durability of the IMAC vs other desktops.
I realize that most people that post on this forum are early-adopters and will want to stay on the leading edge of technology . . . which means they probably won't be keeping their iMAC for even the full duration of the three years of Apple Care.
But then there are people like me . . . who probably will keep it for along time. In fact, it might be my last computer you never know!.
So . . is the iIMAC built to last?
I realize that most people that post on this forum are early-adopters and will want to stay on the leading edge of technology . . . which means they probably won't be keeping their iMAC for even the full duration of the three years of Apple Care.
But then there are people like me . . . who probably will keep it for along time. In fact, it might be my last computer you never know!.
So . . is the iIMAC built to last?