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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 14, 2009
Hello all . I have call APPLE customer service they said if buy iphone unlock warranty will not cover . So that risk to buy unlock iphone world phone .

anyone in here buying world phone unlock manufactory ?

thank you
really ?
so if i restore then how to make it unlock like default unlock when buying
I know 1 site sale iphone unlock world 16 gb white
cost 839 usd total free shipping

is it good deal

thank you
Wait, if it's factory unlocked, then your warranty won't be void, because it was unlocked by Apple.
The Apple rep who talked to probably mistook you Wonder why for an iPhone that you unlocked yourself, which indeed does void your warranty.
Restoring a factory unlocked iPhone (Like in your case) won't lock it again, sorry for the confusion.
this is manu factory unlocked by apple
that why cost 839 usd
3 day return exchange
1 year warranty

but not sure will apple cover when have issue . i will get that phone soon
1 more thing it said unlock by apple but not unlock in north america i asking a seller website because apple didn't unlock in usa i dont know why it that was but it said unlocked by apple world phone work any sim go all country in the world
If your unsure of unlocking/jailbreaking/hacking/programming the iPhone, then just don't do it. It will be more pain then it's worth. I would read up a bit, especially in regards to unlocking the phone yourself.
well this iphone 3g 16 GB is unlocked manufactory which is unlock already by apple

there is 3 kind unlock

1 . unlock personal
2 . unlock official which is work with turbo sim or xsim
3 . unlock by manufactory

1 . prize about 299 usd
2 . prize about 599 usd
3 . prize about 800 usb or above

so i talking about the 3rd one

If you are talking about the 3rd one then why are you worry about anything?
It's officially unlock by Apply, therefore warranty will NOT be void. USA does not officially sell factory unlock iPhone because of the deal Apple makes with AT&T. Don't get too frustrated and go read the forum a bit more before asking anything.
thank you .....

june 19
32 gb release day
will unlock manufactory release the same day ?

Apple will cover it under warranty if something goes wrong with it.
They wont know its unlocked or not if you bring it into an Apple store with an AT&T sim in it.
But again they'll replace it and give you another Iphone that is obviously locked to AT&T.
Thats offcourse if you're returning it into a USA Apple store.
Apple Stores in the US dont supply/sell factory unlocked Iphones even if you explained them you bought it from another country.
not that easy
they will check information of iphone when it buy and from where
not gotta work at all

I see alot iphone screen ontop little text AT&T signal how to get rip of it
i checking and see it in all iphone but when i check original
phone dont high light it sign , i might go apple store buy i dont like AT&T sign on top left hand corner anyone know about that

i understand now thank you for your reply .

Also i though if i purchase iphone unlock world that could upgrade any firmware without lock but that not really work at this time because if we're going upgrade high firmware but the hardware still the same which is iphone still slow not gotta work speed like new 32 GB iphone 3gs so i might buying iphone from apple then unlock at home cheaper
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