Has anyone heard if itunes 4 might have peer to peer sharing included? I think that would be a cool new feature to see. Apple could introduce such a feature quite easily since there is not a whole lot of options for OSX at present.
Originally posted by jethroted Has anyone heard if itunes 4 might have peer to peer sharing included? I think that would be a cool new feature to see. Apple could introduce such a feature quite easily since there is not a whole lot of options for OSX at present.
Originally posted by jethroted Has anyone heard if itunes 4 might have peer to peer sharing included? I think that would be a cool new feature to see. Apple could introduce such a feature quite easily since there is not a whole lot of options for OSX at present.
every single P2P music sharing service has been under legal fire from day 1. The only reason any of them exist nowadays is because no one actually owns them and they don't use central servers like napster did, but thats not stopping the RIAA from going after individual users or bandwith providers (ie universities) in some cases. If apple included sucha feature, it would take all of 30 seconds for them to be sued, and precedent says they would quickly lose that case. Apple isn't stupid, they won't do anything like this. Besides that, they don't want to upset the record labels who have agreed to let apple sell their music. Not how the iPod makes transferring music to anything but your own machine difficult. there's a reason for that too.
apple will never endorse or provide any kind of filesharing (the piracy kind) into their products. itunes 4 will more than likely allow you to play songs from other network computers through rendezvous, but will prevent song downloading (it will just stream the music to your computer). this feature will not work over the internet (i'm assuming). if you'd like internet (or network for that matter) streaming, i'd suggest http://gnump3d.sf.net, it's a lightweight, easy to use suite.