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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 17, 2008
For those of us in countries like Ireland still awaiting proper iPad launch details, I'm wondering if tomorrow will see further updates in Apple store. As they're still saying July, surely pre-order date will be available in next few days
I sure hope so, its such a pain waiting for a release in ireland when even the UK and northern ireland have the iPad available
I really want for Apple to at least give a statement as to when pre-orders will start and when they will release them, why are the still so secretive? On monday a week ago Steve Jobs said "including those in nine more countries next month". So when is next month???!!! Please tell us when!
July starts tomorrow and for places like New Zealand it is already July so Apple when?!
Ive been wanting to get one for AGES and i just cant wait until july ( its going to late july ) so i have aranged to buy one from a guy in dublin who bought it in the apple store in belfast
why are the still so secretive?

Not a matter of being "secretive" but they're rolling out to more than just Ireland so rather than make 9 announcements they're waiting until all their ducks are in a row to make announcements. I'm sure taht everyone thinks the shortages are intentional but I believe they're having trouble meeting existing demand AND gearing up new channels. Not just a matter of flipping a switch and making the output increase significantly. They've been getting enough criticism as of late so I think they want to wait until they have real news.
It's amazing that therre isn't more info out there. The closest bit of info you can get that O2 were expecting the iPad to be released some time ago, is the fact the microsim pack they offer has 'designed for ipad' covered up with a sticker, even though the instructions inside are all about the iPad. These microsims have been available more than 4 weeks now.

Glad I imported tbh. I may have paid €50 more, but 2 months advantage is worth it.
So do you guys expect for Apple to release the iPad simultaneously in the nine countries with pre-orders and everything or should we expect for different places to get it at different dates in July, the nine countries are Austria, Belgium, Hong Kong, Ireland, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand and Singapore by the way.
I imagine they will stick to the very end of the month July 30th, and they will release in the 9 extra countries simultaneously.
So do you guys expect for Apple to release the iPad simultaneously in the nine countries with pre-orders and everything or should we expect for different places to get it at different dates in July, the nine countries are Austria, Belgium, Hong Kong, Ireland, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand and Singapore by the way.

At this stage I'm about to give up so I slowly don't care any more, but there will most likely be a simultaneous release (they did it for the original launch, so why not for the few straggler markets). We're now a third of the way through July and there's still no news :mad:
My local Apple store and Best Buy has them in stock every week. If anyone wants me to buy one for them, I'd be more than happy to. However, there would be a small, yet reasonable 'fee'.....:D PM me.
My local Apple store and Best Buy has them in stock every week. If anyone wants me to buy one for them, I'd be more than happy to. However, there would be a small, yet reasonable 'fee'.....:D PM me.

Your fee, plus shipping to New Zealand and taxes would make it cost well above what this poor student can afford. But thanks for the offer.
For those of us in countries like Ireland still awaiting proper iPad launch details, I'm wondering if tomorrow will see further updates in Apple store. As they're still saying July, surely pre-order date will be available in next few days
Don't care now.
Got my 64gig from Belfast yesterday.
Everything I expected and more
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