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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 6, 2006
I'm planning to get myself a new portable computer. After reading the macrumors forums I'm almost sure what I want to have, but I have to ask once more, befor I buy:)
I am a student, and I need a portable computer, which will be able to do graphics - I am using mostly Corel DRAW, but also (only sometimes) photoshop and simple 3D like SketchUp. I need the computer to run these programs stable and without crashing, and also quite fast (but the priority is to run it without bluescreen:) )
I also am interested in fonts (using and designing) - will the macbook be a good computer to do this?

I only have 6000zl (which is an exact price of MacBook with additional 2GB of RAM in my country) and for this money I can have a nice dell or Toshiba running MS Windows. Which choice will be better for me - a MacBook with 2GB RAM,or a dell/toshiba?

Thank You for advice!

PS I'm not a gamer at all;)
Anyone does know the answer?:) Is the graphic card of the MacBook sufficient for graphics?:)

Thanks in advice!
My guess would be that the MacBook would be plenty for what you're looking to do--the integrated graphics are plenty sufficient for 2D work, and can handle light (Sketchup-level) 3D acceptably. It's not going to do anything at all impressive with 3D, but it's not bad.
Maybe I'm asking a stupid question, but do you plan to run Windows or OS X? CorelDRAW isn't available for OS X in anything like a recent version, is it?

The other reason I ask is that you should know and understand the subtleties of the fact that Adobe's products for OS X are not available in Intel binaries right now and the timeline is not 100% certain. So you will be using Rosetta. This isn't an issue obviously if you are running Windows on that computer though.

In Windows XP, I would be shocked if CorelDraw didn't work fine on a 2GB MacBook. But the Toshiba or a Thinkpad or whatever else would be a fine choice too....
CorelDraw, if it's the Mac OS X version, will require lots of RAM to run under Rosetta. It'll also require some digging to find it. Version 11 (or parts of it) was being sold by Allume, the Stuffit people, since Corel gave up trying to sell it.

Other than that, it'll work fine on a MacBook.
I thought Corel went out of business years ago. It is good to see that they are still alive. I would recommend using the Windows version on the Mac Book Pro under Windows. The Mac version crashed a lot and it isn't supported anymore. Too bad they didn't realize that 5% of the market could easily make up 50% of their revenue stream. Oh well.
mkrishnan said:
Maybe I'm asking a stupid question, but do you plan to run Windows or OS X? CorelDRAW isn't available for OS X in anything like a recent version, is it?

I am planning to use OS X mostly, but I will also install Windows for some programs. But I don't like Windows very much, i'd prefer to use OS X. The version of Corel, which I use is 11, I know it's for Mac too..

The other reason I ask is that you should know and understand the subtleties of the fact that Adobe's products for OS X are not available in Intel binaries right now and the timeline is not 100% certain. So you will be using Rosetta. This isn't an issue obviously if you are running Windows on that computer though.

I know, that Adobe programmes go through Rosetta and they are slower than they should. But i still hope, that these programs finally WILL be done for intel macs, and WILL be much faster than nowadays. Maybe than I will chnge DRAW for Illustrator, hich seems to be better (but the interface is quite bad for me..).

In Windows XP, I would be shocked if CorelDraw didn't work fine on a 2GB MacBook. But the Toshiba or a Thinkpad or whatever else would be a fine choice too....

OK, thanks!
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