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macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 11, 2009
Anyone else hope we'll see this simple j/b method (or something just as easy) become compatible with 3.0.1/3.1 etc?

Better yet, anyone have any first hand knowladge of this??
I have checked his blog

he is out of town or on able to do to much right now. He said he was surprised that 3.0.1 wouldn't work with purplera1n didn't know why but says he will look at it when he gets back. Saurik with Cydia also said he will have something in about a week. I am holding off on that right now I don't see this fix as a major issue and it might be worth waiting I will just be careful here is his twitter he says 4 months for another official update estimated of course. I know this isn't news for allot of people but those that don't know this is stuff from the horses mouth.

GeoHot or GeoHotz he goes by both lol

Jay Freeman (saurik) website
I know the end result is the same, but I liked jb'ing with purplera1n way better than with redsn0w. It was much much easier.
yeah, me too. Initially broke with Redsnow which was fine, but Cydia crashed on me a lot. Then had to get a new phone anyways so re-jailbroke with ra1n and no more problems at all. I am holding off on the update as well. No point in it for me until 3.1 comes out. I hope jailbrake with ra1n will be updated. Sounds like GH is working on it though. :cool:
I hope he doesn't bother with 3.0.1 and just waits for 3.1 to come out and start working on that. Jailbreaking 3.0.1 worked fine for me with redsn0w. It took a little extra effort, but for those of us that don't want to exert the extra effort can just wait for 3.1. In my mind, no real need to waste time fixing it for 3.0.1.
I hope he doesn't bother with 3.0.1 and just waits for 3.1 to come out and start working on that. Jailbreaking 3.0.1 worked fine for me with redsn0w. It took a little extra effort, but for those of us that don't want to exert the extra effort can just wait for 3.1. In my mind, no real need to waste time fixing it for 3.0.1.

On his twitter I think he implied that he was just gonna wait for 3.1. I can't read his mind though ;)
Just saw a j/b video where the poster mentioned that the author of purplera1n would not be updating for future OS updates. What has anyone heard about this? True?
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