Blu Ray?
I would not mind 2 slots for disks. One SSD and one 3.5".
I'm thinking mobility 4870 would be their best option. It is essentially a mobile 4850 except with GDDR5 memory, therefor very good.
A last gen GPU? Not gonna happen.
The 4870 was last gen when the current iMac was released. Apple almost always uses dated GPU's in their computers.
The iMac came out before any 5000 series Radeon cards. Apple use current GPUs with their products.
the desktop versions did but the 5xxx mobility series which the iMac would use came out at the start of 2010.
I would not mind 2 slots for disks. One SSD and one 3.5".
If the i7 iMac does get updated, it might just be a small one. Possibly an update to a HD5770 GPU (not a big upgrade from the HD4850 but an upgrade nevertheless, the HD5850 might be too hot) Then again, there are mobile versions of the HD5830/50/70 so you never know. I doubt the CPU will be touched because the only LGA1156 CPU that is better than the i7 860 that the iMac currently uses is the i7 870, which is a lot more expensive than the 860. Possibly a build-to-order option?
I only really care about the highest end 27" iMac, I think it'll have something along these lines:
27" iMac ~$2500-2800
- Intel Core i7 980x (or some hexacore model) @ 2.8GHz
- ATI Radeon 5850/70/90M (maybe even a 59xxm) 512MB
- 4GB 1333MHz RAM
- 2x 1 TB HDs (up to 2 TB, and SSD options)
It's not that much, a hexacore processor at 2.8GHz compared to a quad core, and a better 5850m GPU (which I think actually runs cooler than the 4850m) (hoping for better though)All that in a slim case? Impossible without a MAJOR downclock of everything. Even then it's pushing it.
I never said that's what I'd buy, it's merely a rough ("along these lines") description of what I think you should be able to buy. Also, I wouldn't buy the SSD and RAM from Apple so they'd be stock.And only 4GB of ram with all that? Mines got 8GB of DDR3-1333mhz and all you want is 4GB of DDR3-1333mhz?
That's somewhat offensive to me, my dreams are plenty big and are sensible.Come on man, dream bigger (but more sensable )
It's not that much, a hexacore processor at 2.8GHz compared to a quad core, and a better 5850m GPU (which I think actually runs cooler than the 4850m) (hoping for better though)
I never said that's what I'd buy, it's merely a rough ("along these lines") description of what I think you should be able to buy. Also, I wouldn't buy the SSD and RAM from Apple so they'd be stock.
That's somewhat offensive to me, my dreams are plenty big and are sensible.
They need to find a way. Nah 4GB stock is enough, that way I actually save money buying the RAM elsewhere.It's not the speed of the hexacore, it's the heat. They run wayyyy too hot to put in any small case.
5850m uses less power and runs cooler in 2D mode, once in 3D mode it's hotter and uses a bit more power
8GB of ram stock is pretty reasonable though if they give the computer a big enough hardware boost IMO.
They are sensible, you can't improve the CPU in the iMac that much (IE higher clock frequency), they have to use a hexacore imo, we'll see.If they were sensible then you wouldn't want a hexacore in an iMac
It's not that much, a hexacore processor at 2.8GHz compared to a quad core, and a better 5850m GPU (which I think actually runs cooler than the 4850m) (hoping for better though)
I never said that's what I'd buy, it's merely a rough ("along these lines") description of what I think you should be able to buy. Also, I wouldn't buy the SSD and RAM from Apple so they'd be stock.
That's somewhat offensive to me, my dreams are plenty big and are sensible.
All that in a slim case? Impossible without a MAJOR downclock of everything. Even then it's pushing it. And only 4GB of ram with all that? Mines got 8GB of DDR3-1333mhz and all you want is 4GB of DDR3-1333mhz? Come on man, dream bigger (but more sensable)