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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jun 17, 2009
Chicago, IL area
I was wondering if for anyone purchasing an iPad if this will be your first Apple product? I'm especially curious if you are getting one and do not already have a Mac, iPhone or iPod touch.

If so, what is your reason for getting one and how will you mostly use it?
Nope, I bought my current Apple products in this order:

1. iPod Shuffle '07
2. Mac Pro 2.8 8 core '08 (My first Apple computer)
3. iPhone 3G +dock '09
4. iPad16gig Wifi-only '10

So the iPad's not my first, but I'm still fairly new to them :)
I've owned various different iPods and a Macbook since around 2006 or so. Right now I have a Mac Mini and an iPhone 3G.

Looking for the iPad to serve me with more mobile computing needs on the go, but have no need for the extra power/bulk from a full laptop anymore.
I was wondering if for anyone purchasing an iPad if this will be your first Apple product? I'm especially curious if you are getting one and do not already have a Mac, iPhone or iPod touch.

If so, what is your reason for getting one and how will you mostly use it?
More to the point, what is your reason for being on this website?

I was wondering if for anyone purchasing an iPad if this will be your first Apple product?

If so, what is your reason for getting one and how will you mostly use it?

If I get one. Yes this would be my first Apple anything (windows PC, Sandisk MP3, Cheap LG cellphone).

I was thinking of getting an E-reader when the iPad was announced. Scrapped that and now want a multi purpose tablet, with the iPad as leading contender.

Since I was looking for an e-reader(comics/novels/pdfs), that would be the number one activity I have in mind. Next would be net tablet. Apps will decide beyond that. Workout tracker would be good. Controling my HTPC with it would be awesome...
I have never used a Mac (love windows 7) but i used the iphone (4 in the familiy) and pre-ordered 2 ipads.
My first Apple  product was a G5 rev B iMac back in 2005. That promptly started an ongoing love affair with Things Apple, and shortly after that I bought my first iPod and a Powerbook. When the intel switch happened, I bought the first-gen Mac Pro and a MacBook Pro. Right now I've still got that Mac Pro, a Mac Mini that I bought a couple of months ago, a 17" MBP and a first-gen MacBook Air. When the iPhone launched I was in line for it in 2007, in line again for the 3G and the 3GS, and am planning to be at the Apple store bright and early on Launch Day for the iPad. I like my shiny Apple  products and usually am an early adopter.
Nope, Just love new toys, reason for being on the web site is to learn about the new things, and learn more about the things that I already own. This web site is a great way learn a lot more and not just about apple products, and How other companies try to copy apple. :)
Nope, already have:
Ipod classic 160gb had previous ones before this though
Ipod Touch 2nd gen 32gb had 1st gen 8gb which I passed on to Mom
Shuffle 4gb
Ipod Nano 16gb blue 5th gen had a 2gb Nano which got ran over:eek:
Ibook G4
MacBook 13inch Aluminum unibody, stays home hooked up to 23in HD monitor and dual boots to Windows 7

Now waiting on 64gb WiFi Ipad and when you can pick up the Wifi + 3g will have that one too.:D

If Verizon ever gets the Iphone will ditch the Blackberry and Eris for it.
Not first Apple product.

First came iPods (with reluctance I might add)
Then iPhone 3G for myself and my wife (with anticipation!)
Last Christmas I got my wife a MBP ... and I loved it too so ...
Last Spring I got a Mac mini ... which has since become a living room media computer because ...
I got a 27" i5 iMac last November ...
and now have an iPad on pre-order

In conclusion ... this kool aid tastes great!!

Not our first Apple product. We have drunk the Kool-Aid and it is good.

  1. iMac 20"
  2. MacBook Pro 17"
  3. 1GB Time Capsule
  4. Time machine running on both computers
  5. Airport Wireless N Router
  6. Two iPhone 3G's
  7. Four iPod Nano's of various vintage
  8. One iPad (on the way)

I'm happy to pay the Apple tax. Their stuff works and does everything that we need at home including running Adobe CS4. My wife and kids have no problem with the very simple and elegant user interfaces on all the devices. I spend almost no time on maintenance and zero time screwing with antivirus S/W or malware. Our iPhones hold over 600 business contacts and help me out every day with cheap and useful Apps that give me flight info, train schedules, subway maps, LinkedIn connectivity, maps, music, and email accounts to mention a few. iTunes database keeps track of it all painlessly including purchases of music, movies, apps, and now print media. There simply is no comparable experience for the consumer on the planet. Why shouldn't Apple get paid for their innovation? It makes my life better every day.
First Apple product I've been interested enough in to pre-order and to register a forum account to kill time till it arrives.
I am getting so tired of the Kool-Aid cliché. How many people really understand its meaning (origin)?

Cultural references

Drinking the Kool-Aid has become a common phrase owing to the beverage's alleged role in the Jonestown Massacre, and is used to insinuate that one has mindlessly adopted the dogma of a group or leader without fully understanding the ramifications or implications.

Are you satisfied keeper of all things culturally relevant? :rolleyes:
Not our first Apple product. We have drunk the Kool-Aid and it is good.

  1. iMac 20"
  2. MacBook Pro 17"
  3. 1T Time Capsule
  4. Time machine running on both computers
  5. Airport Wireless N Router
  6. Two iPhone 3G's
  7. Four iPod Nano's of various vintage
  8. One iPad (on the way)

I'm happy to pay the Apple tax. Their stuff works and does everything that we need at home including running Adobe CS4. My wife and kids have no problem with the very simple and elegant user interfaces on all the devices. I spend almost no time on maintenance and zero time screwing with antivirus S/W or malware. Our iPhones hold over 600 business contacts and help me out every day with cheap and useful Apps that give me flight info, train schedules, subway maps, LinkedIn connectivity, maps, music, and email accounts to mention a few. iTunes database keeps track of it all painlessly including purchases of music, movies, apps, and now print media. There simply is no comparable experience for the consumer on the planet. Why shouldn't Apple get paid for their innovation? It makes my life better every day.

"Will The iPad Be Your First Apple Product?"

Nah man, I've been running with Apple since the "rainbow" days. My first Mac was a LCIII back in the early 90s. Been in love with the platform ever since... and NO I didn't drink any Kool-aid, I just preferred the product/OS over using a IBM-compat/Windows machine.
My first Apple product came as a result of my IBM PCjr's 5.25" floppy failing.
I borrowed a friend's Macintosh Plus and was amazed at it's simplicity and how much more efficiently I could work on it.

Soon after I bought a broken Plus and repaired it's power supply for my own use.
I made great side money in college fixing old broken Macs.

I revisit PCs from time to time, but I find Apple a much more cohesive solution as they make the HW & SW.
I just works with minimal headache.
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