Not our first Apple product. We have drunk the Kool-Aid and it is good.
- iMac 20"
- MacBook Pro 17"
- 1T Time Capsule
- Time machine running on both computers
- Airport Wireless N Router
- Two iPhone 3G's
- Four iPod Nano's of various vintage
- One iPad (on the way)
I'm happy to pay the Apple tax. Their stuff works and does everything that we need at home including running Adobe CS4. My wife and kids have no problem with the very simple and elegant user interfaces on all the devices. I spend almost no time on maintenance and zero time screwing with antivirus S/W or malware. Our iPhones hold over 600 business contacts and help me out every day with cheap and useful Apps that give me flight info, train schedules, subway maps, LinkedIn connectivity, maps, music, and email accounts to mention a few. iTunes database keeps track of it all painlessly including purchases of music, movies, apps, and now print media. There simply is no comparable experience for the consumer on the planet. Why shouldn't Apple get paid for their innovation? It makes my life better every day.