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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 16, 2008
Just wondering how bulletproof apple's app store system is. Will application developers be pretty safe from piracy?
I really hope Apple finds a decent way to control this upcoming issue. I feel it really has the potential to hurt the App Store, which in turn will hurt all iPhone/Touch users.

yeah. you can already download monkeyball from some places, copy it via ssh, set some permissions and you are good to go.
A quick look at any threads regarding game or music drm will show that there's no way to protect against piracy that does anything more effective then frustrate the legitimate purchasers.

Perhaps the most you can do if up the price to offset the lost revenue.
There's always going to be piracy. And, if someone's going to go to all that extra effort to steal your $5 application, they were never going to pay for it. Saving $5 wasn't the point.
yeah. you can already download monkeyball from some places, copy it via ssh, set some permissions and you are good to go.

Is this applicable for normal iPhones, or just jailbroken ones? I'm presuming only jailbroken, as you're talking SSH. Guess we haven't had a round of bricked iPhones yet (e.g. 2.0 to 2.1).
Legit apps have already been cracked, as has already been mentioned.

For proof that apps will be downloaded, look no further than iTunes - people are willingly buying massive amounts music when it's quite simple to illegally download them.

Also, the vast majority of users is not willing to void their warranty and run the chance of bricking their iPhone/Touch to jailbreak their device.
Jailbreaking for piracy is not worth it in my opinion. I jailbroke to get 3rd party apps, not pirate and I won't put pirated apps on my phone. I love the whole idea of the app store and I don't want to do anything to discourage developers from taking advantage of it.
As long as the prices for Apps remain reasonable (and I certainly think that they are right now), I doubt large-scale piracy will become much of a concern. For applications that cost hundreds upon hundreds of dollars that become obsolete on a yearly basis, piracy will always be somewhat attractive, but for something that costs around $5-10 I can't see it being worth the pain in the ass required to "crack" programs. I mean come on, $5-10 is very reasonable--it is equivalent to a couple of cups of coffee and you are supporting the little guys of development. Personally, I think the app store is a great idea and once the JB programs get stable and reliable enough to actually work, I look forward to having both professionally-designed App-store applications and cydia-based UNIX apps on my phone.
Yah it's already cracked.

If you can SSH into your phone i'm sure you can copy and dump those apps on any phone. I doubt it does any itune store checking.. but what do i know hehe :eek:
Is this applicable for normal iPhones, or just jailbroken ones? I'm presuming only jailbroken, as you're talking SSH. Guess we haven't had a round of bricked iPhones yet (e.g. 2.0 to 2.1).

Jailbreak and install ssh via cydia and you are good to go. 2.1 is already jailbroken too :D
Jailbreak and install ssh via cydia and you are good to go. 2.1 is already jailbroken too :D

thankyou hardware error :D

and yes, i got the SMB cracked version.
then i took it off because it was buggy and i felt guilty for robbing people of $$
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