i was just wandering what is the min requirements for continuity i have a mid 2010 13in macbook pro and it already has airdrop but do you think this machine will get continuity. Also what is the min requirements for continuity for iOS devices.
There will be work-arounds.
I am 99% certain that you will be able to do a driver hack along with an aftermarket USB dongle for most machines.
We are developing a solution which won't need kext hacks. Parts flying in from around the globe, but I have already demonstrated BT 4.0 working A-OK in 2008 and 2009 MP.
There will be a way to make this work, count on it.
whats the difference between continuity and handoff?
whats the difference between continuity and handoff?
Continuity > more integration like iOS pushing SMS messages to the OSX messages app
Handoff > OSX and iOS handing off between apps (eg viewing map in iOS then clicking button on OSX and being brought up to the exact same spot.)
Handoff is going from one Apple device to another seamlessly. Handoff is part of Continuty, which includes taking phone calls on other Apple devices as well as text messages.
oh okay.
so as a 2011 MBP user the only thing im missing is handoff (apps), but i can still answer calls and send texts on my mac.
The latter are all i care about