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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 11, 2008
Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone had an idea whether the volcanic ash might delay shipping of the iPads to the EU, especially the UK.

I guess most shipping is via sea, but I remember someone saying it came from China via air.


Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone had an idea whether the volcanic ash might delay shipping of the iPads to the EU, especially the UK.

I guess most shipping is via sea, but I remember someone saying it came from China via air.


It might.
How can one go wrong with "might"?
I am going with "doubt it"...

First of all - ALL of our pre-orders ARE coming by AIR.

So IF it the airports are closed we are probably gonna be a bit screwed but having said that they could simply send our iPads somewhere in Eastern Europe and truck them over to us as they are transporting goods and that is what couriers do!

However I don't think we will have problems - assuming I have been paying attention to the news then the airports may be closed during this week but reopen next week if the worse case scenario plays out. Our pre-ordered iPads will not ship until next Monday or Tuesday in order to be with us on Friday so I don't think they will have any delays.

Ironically IF they had released the iPad this week and not next week then we might all have had problems getting them delivered!
Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone had an idea whether the volcanic ash might delay shipping of the iPads to the EU, especially the UK.

I guess most shipping is via sea, but I remember someone saying it came from China via air.


It certainly will cause problems. The boxes they are packaged in will be filthy from the ash and any boxes not properly sealed will lead to the iPads being rendered useless
I was worried about this one too. I hope they have built a few days into the shipping schedule to account for flight delays.

If not hopefully much like the airport closures the other week they won't affect all european countries so they will be able to fly them somewhere and distribute from there by road.
It certainly will cause problems. The boxes they are packaged in will be filthy from the ash and any boxes not properly sealed will lead to the iPads being rendered useless

I don't see why you claim this?

The boxers are sealed? And its not really thick ash like that. The only reason you can't fly is because it melts in the jet and then well thats not good.

There is ash all over the place, in the air you breath. When the cloud comes over your part of the UK or wherever run you finger over a window sill outside. Thats what the volcanic ash looks like, you can hardly see it.
I heard that because of the ash over the EU that they were going to route more to australia to satisfy the high demand here. Just stirring this isn't even remotely true.
I don't see why you claim this?

The boxers are sealed? And its not really thick ash like that. The only reason you can't fly is because it melts in the jet and then well thats not good.

There is ash all over the place, in the air you breath. When the cloud comes over your part of the UK or wherever run you finger over a window sill outside. Thats what the volcanic ash looks like, you can hardly see it.

I think he was being sarcastic. :eek:

I don't think the ash will have much impact at all, the disruption is not nearly as severe as Volcanic Ash: Round 1 and restrictions have been loosened. Anyway, judging by the US launch when iPads starting shipping on March 29th (5 days before launch), there is plenty of time for the restrictions to be lifted between now and next Saturday/Sunday/Monday.
High value goods tend to be shipped by air, and we don't want our precious iPads being hijacked off the Somali coast do we :eek:

We have to hope we get SW winds for the next 10 days, as these carry the ash away from Europe. SW is the prevailing wind direction, so hopefully we should be OK.
I think he was being sarcastic. :eek:

I don't think the ash will have much impact at all, the disruption is not nearly as severe as Volcanic Ash: Round 1 and restrictions have been loosened. Anyway, judging by the US launch when iPads starting shipping on March 29th (5 days before launch), there is plenty of time for the restrictions to be lifted between now and next Saturday/Sunday/Monday.
I see now, I just got up and didn't get onto it lol.

Do in the us they shipped 5 days before the launch, so we should expect ours to ship about monday to arrive friday then? i was wondering how they would work it so we got them on friday. wasnt sure if they shipped them on the launch day or so we get them on the launch day.
I'm not convinced european iPads will go just by air. I'd imagine they'll come on container ship to some central european port then be flown to individual countries.

I suspect we're talking a LOT of iPads here, the big european countries in the first phase of international release will each have thousands of iPads. I know you can fit a lot on a cargo plane, but not enough IMO.
I see now, I just got up and didn't get onto it lol.

Do in the us they shipped 5 days before the launch, so we should expect ours to ship about monday to arrive friday then? i was wondering how they would work it so we got them on friday. wasnt sure if they shipped them on the launch day or so we get them on the launch day.

Those of us that ordered on May 10th should get them on launch day i.e. 28 May (my 'order being processed' email has 'Delivers by May 28th' next to the iPad). Sometimes Apple ship individual orders from China, sometimes orders originate from an EU warehouse. We should get a good idea next week when the 'order dispatched' emails start to arrive with tracking info.
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