Sadly, no. It won’t. It has a unifying USB receiver that plugs into a USB port on laptop/TV to create a connection between the keyboard and target device.
Sadly, no. It won’t. It has a unifying USB receiver that plugs into a USB port on laptop/TV to create a connection between the keyboard and target device.
I had a Logitech mouse lying about that I thought I would try out and see if it worked. It’s also one of those ones that use a unifying USB receiver. I already had the mouse paired to the receiver from when I was using it on my laptop.
All I had to do was use a USB-C to USB-A adapter and plug it into that and straight away it worked. Plug and play.
I guess if you already have the device paired to the receiver then that might be the key as I imagine there’s no way of doing that through iOS.