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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Oct 12, 2011
I was actually disappointing in Windows Surface RT when it was announce. When not initially, it's just when I found out it would pretty much just be 'Metro' I was a bit upset. I was pretty sure I wanted Pro.

But when realizing how just deeply integrated it will be with Windows and similar devices like the Xbox, I changed my tune a little bit.

Does anyone thing Windows RT could be bigger than what we think? How do you think it'll compare to iPad and Android tablets (like the Nexus 7)? I just hope the software will be good out the gate.


macrumors 68010
Jul 23, 2011
I was actually disappointing in Windows Surface RT when it was announce. When not initially, it's just when I found out it would pretty much just be 'Metro' I was a bit upset. I was pretty sure I wanted Pro.

But when realizing how just deeply integrated it will be with Windows and similar devices like the Xbox, I changed my tune a little bit.

Does anyone thing Windows RT could be bigger than what we think? How do you think it'll compare to iPad and Android tablets (like the Nexus 7)? I just hope the software will be good out the gate.

I'm super excited for it actually. It's a modern, futuristic approach to a full-blown operating system on a sleek, super portable tablet. And that touch cover gets me aroused.


macrumors 68030
Oct 9, 2007
For me it's too late.

When the iPad came out I thought "put Windows on it, or put OS X on it." I want a tablet with a real operating system that lets me do what I want.

We're sort of there with the Intel version of Surface, but it's probably too big, heavy and underpowered for me, and I've left the Windows world behind now. And from what I've seen of Metro, I actively dislike it

The smart cover with a built-in keyboard is definitely intriguing though. If it works well and can't be easily copied, it will certainly give the Surface a big advantage over other tablets.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Oct 12, 2011
For me it's too late.

When the iPad came out I thought "put Windows on it, or put OS X on it." I want a tablet with a real operating system that lets me do what I want.

We're sort of there with the Intel version of Surface, but it's probably too big, heavy and underpowered for me, and I've left the Windows world behind now. And from what I've seen of Metro, I actively dislike it

The smart cover with a built-in keyboard is definitely intriguing though. If it works well and can't be easily copied, it will certainly give the Surface a big advantage over other tablets.

I was thinking that. It's like the Surface RT is cool....but it may lack the amount of Apps on the app store. However, Surface Pro has the full OS...but it will lack power for many applications like full games (Bioshock:Infinite,Crysis, etc). Who knows. I really hope MS will surprise us, but I see problems already with the platform.


macrumors 68000
Jan 9, 2011
In front of uranus
I was actually disappointing in Windows Surface RT when it was announce. When not initially, it's just when I found out it would pretty much just be 'Metro' I was a bit upset. I was pretty sure I wanted Pro.

But when realizing how just deeply integrated it will be with Windows and similar devices like the Xbox, I changed my tune a little bit.

Does anyone thing Windows RT could be bigger than what we think? How do you think it'll compare to iPad and Android tablets (like the Nexus 7)? I just hope the software will be good out the gate.
Sales will be okay to good first quarter it sells, will stagnate in the second quarter, then tank to around 3% marketshare. Only way to change this scenario is to sell it for under 200 bucks.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Oct 12, 2011
Sales will be okay to good first quarter it sells, will stagnate in the second quarter, then tank to around 3% marketshare. Only way to change this scenario is to sell it for under 200 bucks.



macrumors 6502a
Nov 17, 2011
The only thing that seems attractive to me is the ability to run full compatibility with Microsoft Office suite. That will surely be attractive to business users.

The Phazer

macrumors 68040
Oct 31, 2007
London, UK
The only thing that seems attractive to me is the ability to run full compatibility with Microsoft Office suite. That will surely be attractive to business users.

It would be if that's what RT actually did, but it doesn't.

Macros don't even work in Office RT, and there's no Active Directory domain support for device and network management.

The Surface Pro is very attractive, and will get more so when Intel delivers next year and Haswell hits.

RT is dead in the water for enterprise.

Jessica Lares

macrumors G3
Oct 31, 2009
Near Dallas, Texas, USA
Windows RT will make Android tablet sales tank. Even if it's the same price point as the iPad. The advertising will be amazing, the showcasing of apps will be stellar, and it will turn heads.

When have you seen an ad for an Android tablet that wasn't talking about the design, or some note application no one cares about? (Okay, I love Memo, but that's bloatware to most) How about the endless Android apps about social networking? You notice how they never actually show the device in ACTION and it's usually just a slideshow type presentation?

When people see these RT tablets on TV, with actual apps being showcased, they are going to WANT it. There is going to be a desire to have an awesome looking tablet with an awesome looking keyboard that comes in different colors. And when they see the iPad-like quality apps being featured on ads, but with a USB port, among other things, they WILL most likely buy it.

And there are obviously many, many, many people coming from machines that can't upgrade considering most of the current machines out there can run XP to 7.


macrumors 68040
Feb 25, 2012
Sydney, Australia
Windows RT will make Android tablet sales tank. Even if it's the same price point as the iPad.

I'm quoting that in case you update your post at a later date.

If they price the ARM tablet at the same cost as iPad it will be dead. I can almost hear the hordes of consumers stomping each other for these devices...

"Yea, I want a tablet which costs as much as an iPad, but doesn't have any apps or accessories. I'm also really attracted to the idea of MS potentially dropping support for this top of the line device when they release the next version of the know, just like they did with Lumia".


Sales will be okay to good first quarter it sells, will stagnate in the second quarter, then tank to around 3% marketshare. Only way to change this scenario is to sell it for under 200 bucks.

^^ This.
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Jessica Lares

macrumors G3
Oct 31, 2009
Near Dallas, Texas, USA
I'm quoting that in case you update your post at a later date.

If they price the ARM tablet at the same cost as iPad it will be dead. I can almost hear the hordes of pretty stomping each other for these devices...

"Yea, I want a tablet which costs as much as an iPad, but doesn't have any apps or accessories. I'm also really attracted to the idea of MS potentially dropping support for this top of the line device when they release the next version of the know, just like they did with Lumia".

But Windows 8 HAS the apps (and nicer ones compared to Android), and it HAS accessories (such as the keyboard) to begin with. Maybe not as much as the iPad now, but there'll sure be quite a bit by next year.

And there is a difference between a smartphone and computer and how people use it.


macrumors 604
May 21, 2012
It's all about the apps.

MSFT leveraging their Office assets is a good start, but I doubt its the "killer app" that makes RT a must buy.


macrumors 68000
Jun 22, 2010
Surface will not be successful at first because its a tablet that tries to be a laptop. :rolleyes:

Nobody wants that. A tablet is a 3rd kind of computing device. I'd rather have my laptop than some thin thing with a stupid weird keyboard flappy thing.

A tablet like the iPad on the other hand doesn't pretend to be what it's not. An iPad is a consumption device, not a productivity device, and people are comfortable with that.

On top of that, Surface is probably going to be ridiculously expensive for what it is, and people will look at it and say: "why the **** would I buy this Windows-on-a-tablet for nearly 1k over a 500 dollar laptop with a quad-core AMD Trinity processor that lets me use Windows faster, more efficiently, and on a machine that isn't that much bigger than this tablet thingy?"


macrumors 68040
Feb 25, 2012
Sydney, Australia
But Windows 8 HAS the apps (and nicer ones compared to Android)

Presumably we are comparing Apples with Apples here so when comparing MS tablets to Android we are talking about the Surface (not Pro), which is running on ARM?

Yea? How many WinRT apps are there except for Office RT at the moment?

They are starting completely from scratch without the benefit of any Win32 applications...

If you're talking about Surface Pro... well that DOES have the benefit of all the millions of Win32 applications out there but it's not designed to compete with iPad nor Android tablets, it's setup to compete with full Windows ultrabooks as it will have comparable specs and pricing to these devices.


macrumors 68040
Feb 25, 2012
Sydney, Australia
I'm super excited for it actually. It's a modern, futuristic approach to a full-blown operating system on a sleek, super portable tablet. And that touch cover gets me aroused.

NO, it's NOT. The Surface runs Windows RT, formerly known as Windows on ARM. It is as much a "full-blown" OS as Android is Linux.

It cannot run any existing Win32 applications. It can only run applications designed to run using Windows Runtime (WinRT) on the "Modern UI", formerly known as Metro.

The Surface Pro will run Windows 8 Pro on the x86 architecture and will run existing Win32 applications and "Modern UI" applications but this is *NOT* what this thread about.

Microsoft is going to have a nightmare of a time trying to differentiate these drastically different product lines in marketing.
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macrumors 68010
Jul 23, 2011
NO, it's NOT. The Surface runs Windows RT, formerly known as Windows on ARM. It is as much a "full-blown" OS as Android is Linux.

It cannot run any existing Win32 applications. It can only run applications designed to run using Windows Runtime (WinRT) on the "Modern UI", formerly known as Metro.

The Surface Pro will run Windows 8 Pro on the x86 architecture and will run existing Win32 applications and "Modern UI" applications but this is *NOT* what this thread about.

Microsoft is going to have a nightmare of a time trying to differentiate these drastically different product lines in marketing.

Yeah, I know. Windows RT will ship with the Office Suite, and that's all of the "legacy" apps that I need. I WANT all of my apps to be new, fresh Metro apps downloaded straight from the store. With Microsoft regulating the app submissions, we should see a similar quality marketplace as Apple has with iOS. For me it will be like having an iPad but with all the functionality I need to use it as my daily computer (printing, downloading files/uploading files, creating Word documents, etc).
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