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macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 19, 2008
So I live in an area where I usually have 1 cell bar, and lucky if the call doesn't drop. I usually use free VoIP like Google Hangouts for calls but thinking of upgrading to Yosemite if Phone Calls can be managed through my much more reliable internet connection.

My question is, does Yosemite phone calls use VoIP? Or does it simply bluetooth in the phone call and maintain that cell connection? Anyone have experience with this?
It uses your phone to do it all and relays the call to your Mac. So your reception would still suck.
What Kilamite said.

Only exception, I believe, is when other user also has an Apple ID and on Yosemite and or iOS 8: then the call is routed through Facetime and Apple's servers.
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