Renew? Does the pope wear a funny hat?
Now that you mention it the pope's hat is kind of funny
So yes I will be renewing. I have just over 25,000 songs (1k purchased) and this service has been AWESOME. I am not happy with a lot about iTunes Match but I know Apple will get it sorted out and I will continue to use. Having all my music integrated into the Music app is so clutch. I love getting in the car plugging in the iPhone and start listening...I normally use around 200mb of data and now I am 3gb-4gb because of iTunes Match. I just love having my entire library with me at any given if we got movie match, life will be complete.
My Problems with iTunes Match:
* Artwork a complete fail, perfect locally but on MacBook Air/iOS Devices its just a mess.
* iOS Devices ever since iTunes 10.6/iOS 5.1 are horrible. iPad/iPhone will not sync playlists genius/smart/normal and takes FOREVER whenever I add an album for it to show up. 3 hours today for an album I imported into iTunes to show up, but immediately on MacBook Air
* Playlists, yes this is a cluster right now
* Lots of small issues including lyrics, matching 90% of albums, etc.
So with my problems which are pretty severe right now on iOS devices, I am still renewing. Bottom line no other streaming/download/music in the cloud service runs as good as this. Google doesn't have a dedicated app and even if they did it wouldn't be the Music app, which I love. Apple released this early, they know it but it will get sorted out soon...sure they are doing everything they can to fix this.