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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 30, 2010
Now that Apple released its own simpler password manager (I know OS X has had it forever) will you leave your 3rd party app such as 1Password/LastPass for iCloud Keychain? I know I won't leave 1Password as I have put in way too much time setting it up. Just wanted to get everyone else's thoughts.
I'm using oneSafe. I have information in oneSafe that doesn't belong on the keychain. This includes software license keys. It also includes passwords for friend's WiFi networks. And other data.

And more importantly, using both, I have a backup in case something happens to the keychain (or an entry ib it) and I'm not at home to restore from a backup.

Also with an iOS device, you can use a work or friends computer and be able to look up your username and password for a site.

Besides I've done the hard work and have all the data in oneSafe already. It'll be easy to update oneSafe as I make password changes or get a login for a new site.
I'll probably use a combination of both moving forwards, but 1Password has one major feature that iCloud doesn't. Cross-platform compatibility with Windows, which is a must for me.

iCloud keychain isn't that good as advertised. Safari cannot save the password in many sites, something that 1Password will do.
I see the value in iCloud keychain only for people that don't have or want a password manager..
1Password. I have a lot more than just login's saved in my 1Password file; I have the CD keys for everything I own, along with all of my personal information on my credit cards and such in case they get lost or stolen.
I'll probably use a combination of both moving forwards, but 1Password has one major feature that iCloud doesn't. Cross-platform compatibility with Windows, which is a must for me.
Also sticking with 1Password for this very reason.
If I can figure out how to move my 1Passwd data to iCloud automatically, I would make the switch.
As above, cross platform is essential for me. I run 1password for my personal, non business stuff.

If you want a free password locker that can be synchronised (and isn't limited to iCloud), check out Keepass.

Works on windows, mac, iOS, linux, etc.

Just a little less polished than 1password, but works fine, and i use it for work - you can have multiple tabs for different password databases:

At work, i have 2 Databases. 1 for my personal "work" logins (my -admin account, etc) and another for the shared department passwords, which is secured by a password I have in my personal keychain (which is also shared with other IT members).

This won't happen. Another thing nobody seems to be considering is, how are you going to view the iCloud Keychain? Are you going to use the Keychain application? It was not created for this kind of usage...
Sometimes you want to lookup information you stored...

Also remember, Safari won't save the password for many many sites, something that 1Password will do.
For me it will depend on how iCloud Keychain integrates into 3rd party applications, if there is an easy way of doing so, and lots of apps are supported I will move to it.

I know 1Password has an API for 3rd party apps, but sadly not many people are using this.
This won't happen. Another thing nobody seems to be considering is, how are you going to view the iCloud Keychain? Are you going to use the Keychain application? It was not created for this kind of usage...
Sometimes you want to lookup information you stored...

Also remember, Safari won't save the password for many many sites, something that 1Password will do.
We'll have to see what modifications there are to Keychain Utility. However, like I said, it probably still won't support everything you have stored in whatever password app you are using. And there would have to be an iOS Keychain Utility so you can look stuff up in case you're using someone else's computer.

For me it will depend on how iCloud Keychain integrates into 3rd party applications, if there is an easy way of doing so, and lots of apps are supported I will move to it.

I know 1Password has an API for 3rd party apps, but sadly not many people are using this.
Well I know for a fact there are several non-Apple applications that currently store information in the Keychain, so that wouldn't be an issue.

If I can figure out how to move my 1Passwd data to iCloud automatically, I would make the switch.
I suspect over time most of the information will be picked up by the Keychain as you visit websites and use the information in your password app. I'm just not ready to have my only copy of the data in the iCloud Keychain. I consider the password app at a minimum a backup of the password data. And like I said above, for information that doesn't fit on the keychain.

You should ideally use both 1Password (or your chosen app of choice) AND iCloud Keychain. As if one fails, you have the backup to rely on.

There are some issues here:
1) iCK Utility apps?
Will iCK have apps for BOTH Apple platforms, so one can access them to clearly see the data and make changes easily? None so far in iOS 7 (though the website does say "coming soon", to be fair).

2) No debit/credit card CVV's stored?
On the WWDC keynote, Craig specifically said "we don't want to keep those credit card 3-digit CVV numbers though, that would be insecure!" (or words to that effect). Now that is REALLY stupid, as if I'm online shopping, I'd obviously want iCK to enter ALL my details including the CVV number. I certainly don't want to have to get my wallet out (it may be a card I don't carry, for example), as it would completely defeat the goal of it storing all my card details in the first place?! Other password apps don't have this issue.

3) Password site refusal.
Some sites do not let the browser store your password (as presumably iCK would rely on). E.g. my iPhone 5 is on iOS 7, I used it to log-on to the Apple Store site to check an order today using Safari, and while it remembered my Apple ID, it specifically gave a pop-up advising "this site does not let us store your password". Oh really, great Apple! And that was Apple's OWN SODDING WEBSITE?!

4) Cross-platform.
iCK is not going to be cross-platform, the end. So if you want access on another non-Apple computer (without having to manually type *^F)&OtgtdsdOs(*&(t(&(&•CIYvOUTkpmCVH^&)*(P&{I}_U)*(R from say, your iPhone!) you're straight out of luck. Again, third-party apps have that benefit. Unless they give users access at, so users could log-on in any browser to grab a password, but it's almost guaranteed they won't be offering this, just as they refuse to offer Bookmarks to be accessed that way, unfortunately.

5) What can you store in iCK?
Third-party apps let you store license codes, bank account details, secure notes, and a whole lot more items of data you want secure. iCK hasn't been promised to provide any of that, so will likely be very basic.

Obviously we'll have to see. But even if it's better than promised, I'll more than likely keep a third-party app as a backup anyway.

(BTW, for those who may want to try it, 1Password 4 for OS X has just been released, and looks to be on sale for 20% off – a bit stingy on the discount there, IMO they really should have given more like 50% off as they did before to allow previous owners of version 3 to upgrade for a reasonable price, but never mind!)
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(BTW, for those who may want to try it, 1Password 4 for OS X has just been released, and looks to be on sale for 20% off – a bit stingy on the discount there, IMO they really should have given more like 50% off as they did before to allow previous owners of version 3 to upgrade for a reasonable price, but never mind!)

Staying out of the discussion but wanted to comment on this to fill in some more information.

Existing Mac App Store customers get the update for free.

If users purchased on our website in 2013 they get the update for free.

If users purchased prior to 2013, we do offer an upgrade price at Just type in or paste your license key and you'll get the upgrade price for all variations and bundles.
Using both would be a good idea, like others have pointed out. The iCloud Keychain works only with Safari, whereas 1Password works with Safari, Firefox and Chrome (plus it supports OS X and Windows).

If Apple is really serious about making iCloud Keychain an important piece, it must revive Safari for Windows and add this feature into it, at the very least.
1Password. I have a lot more than just login's saved in my 1Password file; I have the CD keys for everything I own, along with all of my personal information on my credit cards and such in case they get lost or stolen.

Same here. I put a lot of stuff in 1Password and love being able to access it from iPhone or Mac or iPad.

The software keys could be a real pain to re-create and possibly expensive if I lost them and did not have 1password.
Staying out of the discussion but wanted to comment on this to fill in some more information.

Existing Mac App Store customers get the update for free.

If users purchased on our website in 2013 they get the update for free.

If users purchased prior to 2013, we do offer an upgrade price at Just type in or paste your license key and you'll get the upgrade price for all variations and bundles.

Oh, that sound's fairer (I stand partially corrected)! Thanks for the info Kyle.
I'm moving from a less secure place elsewhere, so didn't know about the free MAS upgrade.
— I'm actually a new 1Password user (or at least I will be in a couple of weeks, when I get some decent time to buy it and then set the whole thing up!).

BTW, for any folks who got a Certificate warning on the link Kyle gave, try this one (without the www's) to go straight to the correct 1Password webpage: ;)
I think 1Password and LastPass will essentially be dead once OS X Mavs launches to the world. They are okay apps but it's time to move forward in a way that only Apple can do it. Some of the advanced push syncing capabilities in iCloud Keychain are truly revolutionary.
I will continue to use 1Password.

I've just purchased 1Password 4 and its a superb update and application.

I have the iOS version on my iPhone and iPad and everything works perfectly, especially now that iCloud sync is available in the Mac application.

I also have my serial numbers stored for my purchased software and my credit card details too. I can add and or edit any of these details as time goes on as well. Not sure if we would be able to view our entries in the iCloud Keychain to edit information or not.

So for me, the features of 1Password, are far more, and far more useful too than what I would have with iCloud Keychain.
I'm a long time 1P user but i'm going to try switching the the iCloud keychain. IT's free, integrated,and works with iOS safari. If a desirable extension(s) ever made me switch to chrome or firefox, i'll probably then switch back to 1Pass. I've got my serial numbers in the iCloud keychain at the moment with the secure note feature. Currently the only feature i will miss is the new security audit stuff in 1pass
I'm a long time 1P user but i'm going to try switching the the iCloud keychain. IT's free, integrated,and works with iOS safari. If a desirable extension(s) ever made me switch to chrome or firefox, i'll probably then switch back to 1Pass. I've got my serial numbers in the iCloud keychain at the moment with the secure note feature. Currently the only feature i will miss is the new security audit stuff in 1pass

iCloud Keychain works really well, but I also need a virtual wallet and 1Password is ideal for that.
For the last five+ years I have been working at a company that supplied me with a MBP. My passwords for just about every website I now use is in 1Password; including this site. I don't know the passwords, they get entered when I ask 1Password to enter them.

Next week I start working at a new company, I seriously doubt that I'll have a MBP, and thus I will be working in the Windows world again. Thus I will install 1Password on the new machine and have access to all my websites with the windows version.

If I had relied on a Mac only solution, I would be SOL with getting into these sites. Yes, things can be worse where the new company won't allow anything to be installed (hopefully not the issue) at least I can still get access to the passwords via iOS on my iPhone or on my iPad.
For the last five+ years I have been working at a company that supplied me with a MBP. My passwords for just about every website I now use is in 1Password; including this site. I don't know the passwords, they get entered when I ask 1Password to enter them.

Next week I start working at a new company, I seriously doubt that I'll have a MBP, and thus I will be working in the Windows world again. Thus I will install 1Password on the new machine and have access to all my websites with the windows version.

If I had relied on a Mac only solution, I would be SOL with getting into these sites. Yes, things can be worse where the new company won't allow anything to be installed (hopefully not the issue) at least I can still get access to the passwords via iOS on my iPhone or on my iPad.

I probably have an above average number of website logins, and it took me less than 30 mins to move them all to iCloud keychain. The cross OS and cross browser support of 1P is definitely its main advantage, but the high price of 1P and the lack of support for iOS Safari(Apple's fault) makes iCloud more appealing for me.
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