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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 5, 2017
Atlanta, GA
Hi All,

I have another question for you all. I have a Windows 10 machine, and now that i have my cMP up and running with the GTX 970 using web drivers, i was wondering if i could clone my windows machine and install it on a spare PCIe SSD in my cMP? Anyone have recommendation on software for cloning drive in windows 10?

Thing is now that BootChamp is no longer supported on macOS, I wouldn't know how to boot from Win10 back to macOS. I realize that once I am in macOS, i could select my windows boot drive in system prefs, but wouldn't it always boot into windows by default? Since I don't have gray boot screen how would I get back into macOS?

Sorry I searched a little and only found below thread, and its from a few years back so not sure if some new software or workarounds are available?

Thanks again in advance!!!
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