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macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 20, 2009
Toronto, Canada
So a quick question in my series of questions posted previously about the mac switch.

One obvious thing I've noticed on a mac is the
close window [x] minimize window [_] and maximize window
buttons are on the right on a windows

on a Mac they are on the opposite left side
What I am wondering is there a way to switch
those buttons on the left side on a Mac to the right
which i am accustomed to it?

it there anyway or is it just something
i will have to adjust to.... :(

p.s i apologize for the possibly confusing thread title
i'm a bit off today :S :(
No, you cannot move them. Mac is different, and part of any switch will be adjusting to new things.
Fudgicles :mad::(
Oh Well ........
This Sucks But I Guess I'll Have To Become
Accustomed To It

Sorry For The Short Thread :apple:
Fudgicles :mad::(
Oh Well ........
This Sucks But I Guess I'll Have To Become
Accustomed To It

Sorry For The Short Thread :apple:
And in the same process of getting accustomed to the new location of the buttons, get accustomed to the better way of doing it™:
Quit the application: cmd+q
Close the window: cmd+w
Minimize the window: cmd+m
Hide the application: cmd+h

Learning to use that instead will speed up your workflow and isn't as harmful to the body as it is doing the same thing with the mouse.
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 2_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/525.18.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.1.1 Mobile/5H11a Safari/525.20)

Thanks So Much!!
that helps a lot
And remember that on a Mac, closing the window does not close the application like it would in windows.

Exactly, and cmd-tab switches between open Applications rather than windows and open applications are denoted in the Dock by the glowing blue light. Oooh, shiny. In earlier versions of OS X it's a black triangle. Congrats on the switch! :)
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 2_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/525.18.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.1.1 Mobile/5H11a Safari/525.20)

Thank you
i havent switched yet
but this is one grueling
waiting time....

but cant wait!
thanks for da help guys
I switched my home computer to a Mac back in 2006. I had previously used Windows since.. win 3.1 - I used it at work. I just go fed up with keeping to with antivirus updates, firewalls, and strange things, so I just switched to Mac. It took me a couple of days to get everything straight, but even old coots can learn new things. It's not a big deal to get used to the changes.
And remember that on a Mac, closing the window does not close the application like it would in windows.

Or even if you do "quit" iTunes" Mac still does not close it out more often than not. Welcome to learning "force quit" - Windows version of ctrl alt delte and killing off a process in task manager. ;)
Or even if you do "quit" iTunes" Mac still does not close it out more often than not. Welcome to learning "force quit" - Windows version of ctrl alt delte and killing off a process in task manager. ;)

Sounds like you have a bigger problem there, I've never had to force quit iTunes.
Sounds like you have a bigger problem there, I've never had to force quit iTunes.

Nah on my end I know it is a known issue when trying to plug and play some Logitech display keyboards like the G-15 I can't get rid of. Some people do get this bug though even without any Logitech peripherals. My wifes MBP has it as do some of my friends and clients Macs. I'm surprised you never heard of this before RJ?
Nah on my end I know it is a known issue when trying to plug and play some Logitech display keyboards like the G-15 I can't get rid of. Some people do get this bug though even without any Logitech peripherals. My wifes MBP has it as do some of my friends and clients Macs. I'm surprised you never heard of this before RJ?

If it were a large issue, then there would be more noise about it here - I'm surprised to hear that this happens "more often than not," when that isn't really true.
If it were a large issue, then there would be more noise about it here - I'm surprised to hear that this happens "more often than not," when that isn't really true.

It's quite in fact completely true in my experience, and others as well. Simply google "itunes wont quit on mac". But anyway back to the op you'll need to force quite something some day and it's handy to know either way. ;)
It's quite in fact completely true in my experience, and others as well.

Not saying that it isn't true in your case, but you told the OP that more often than not iTunes needs to be force quit. For the vast majority of users, that simply is not true.

But anyway back to the op you'll need to force quite something some day and it's handy to know either way. ;)

Nah on my end I know it is a known issue when trying to plug and play some Logitech display keyboards like the G-15 I can't get rid of. Some people do get this bug though even without any Logitech peripherals. My wifes MBP has it as do some of my friends and clients Macs. I'm surprised you never heard of this before RJ?

News to me too.... :)

(I'm not saying I'm completely bug free, but I don't see anything that can be replicated.)

But you're right about needing to know how to force quit something. Its one of these issues that generally crop up just when you don't have the time to go looking for the command, and you when you can't remember what it's called. Googling "Mac Make it Go Away Now" usually doesn't bring up useful hints.
Not saying that it isn't true in your case, but you told the OP that more often than not iTunes needs to be force quit. For the vast majority of users, that simply is not true.


Yeah you made that pretty clear already brah. Good to know you're the forum police I'll keep an eye out for you now. ;)
Instead of moving the mouse and click it's much faster to use keyboard shortcuts.

Some examples:
Command+TAB to switch to other apps (and to see currently open apps)
Option+click another app to hide current app
Command+Q to quit an app
It's +` to switch windows

It's important to add that doesn't switch between all open windows, only those of the active app. e.g. If you have 4 safari windows open and iTunes, then it will only cycle through the Safari windows if that is the active app.
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