Hi I m French
I wanted to know how to install windows 10 on my old mac pro 1.1 to aurier you a solution please i have all to try without positive result help me please
[doublepost=1495187547][/doublepost]Please you have in solution
- Download Windows ISO from Microsoft website.
- Follow steps from this website (you'll have to do it on Windows, on some other PC) prior to burning ISO to DVD
- Make sure you Windows HD is in the first slot of your Mac Pro
- Install Windows through Bootcamp or just boot into DVD by holding Option (Alt)
- After booting into it, install Bootcamp Drivers through Command Prompt, running BootCamp64.msi
Yet it is well engaged
[doublepost=1495198690][/doublepost]Je ne comprend pas j'ai penser a créer les trois dossier au moment ou je rentre la commande un nouveau message
'-n' n'est pas reconnu en tant que commande interne
J'ai lancé avec succès l'installation de Windows Je suis dans les petites soucis de cmd, un nouveau BootCamp64.msi n'est pas reconnu comme commande interne Erf ...