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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 8, 2009
My 256GB 11' MacBook Air; mid 2012 has to perform occasionally as a Windows machine to enable connection with and control of so domestic equipment in my charge.
Up until now running a 50GB Windows partition has done the job but the time has arrived when that 50GB is needed to keep the OSX running efficiently. I do not want to be side tracked into a how much space is right discussion so i will limit my question to this.

Can I run Windows 10 off a 64GB thumbnail drive USB3?
How do I do it? Copy the existing Windows OS etc. onto the thumbnail so that it boots selected on startup? Remove Windows partition and install Win 10 from scratch onto the thumbnail (Samsung)?

I have gone through the many similar answers on youtube but none seem to fit as most options seem to require a knowledge of Windows I do not posses and none seem to be for MacBook Air usage.

All proven responses gratefully received.

Thank you


ps - if not sufficiently clear, further questions quickly(typing speed excepted) answered.
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