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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 14, 2009
I've ordered my iMac 3.06ghz, first time mac guy :cool:
Anyway i also just ordered Windows 7 and never put any thought into it.

Will Windows 7 be smooth on the iMac?
Anyone tested it with RC etc?

Thank yaw
Under BootCamp, smooth as it would on a dedicated Windows machine.

Virtualization is what i will be using mostly i think, its down to Parallels and VMware -- i've heard Parallels its a tad faster and have heard good stuff about it overall.

Any suggestions :)
I have done this a couple of times with different Window builds and I will tell you that you will find some things that will snag once and awhile when running Windows on MAC. Most of the problems I have had is printers and wireless stuff. I hope Windows 7 is better but you should expect a few snags.
Have fun, but I'm pretty sure the iMac doesn't have 64bit EFI and will be annoying to get 64bit Windows 7 running on!
I run Xp under parallels every now and then when im not on my main pc. it is very fast and boots up just like a normal system. Of course i haven't tested giant memory sucking apps like PS CS4 but word and clock :p runs fine.

It would work just like a pc under bootcamp, it also installs all the drivers you need automatically.
Have fun, but I'm pretty sure the iMac doesn't have 64bit EFI and will be annoying to get 64bit Windows 7 running on!

I have one of the new minis and the 64-bit Windows 7 release candidate runs fine under VMware Fusion. Was a piece of cake to install as well (other than Fusion not haveing Windows 7 as a supported operating system... choose Vista x64 or Windows Server 2008 in the new virtual machine assistant).

A few months ago I had tried the 32-bit version (under Fusion and on an old Pentium IV PC I had lying around) and saw several blue screens and couldn't understand why everyone was raving about Windows 7. After upgrading from an original Intel mini to a new NVIDIA one i tried the 64-bit Windows 7 and have had much better luck.
I ran Windows 7 on my MBP on VMware fusion. Not too bad. But everytime I use Windows, I remember why I use a Mac.
I ran Windows 7 on my MBP on VMware fusion. Not too bad. But everytime I use Windows, I remember why I use a Mac.

I've been using win7 since the rc came out and its been pretty damn good. I think snow leopard and win7 dualboot will be a perfect match
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