Two problems: 1) it costs money (the world has moved on the free os's), 2) it still sucks. I don't understand all of these updating panels. It's just noise and confusion. Also there's something that to me always still looks win3.1. It looks like a pig with lipstick. They made a fundamental gamble making one os that is both mobile and desktop. Nobody really wants to touch a laptop screen unless you've got issues, or you're a cashier. So many things are not carefully thought through. Anyhow, I'm sure eventually they'll figure out how to make it at least as good as win7, which was probably the high water mark for them since win95. They are wise to copy OS X, since obviously OS X is on to something. At least they got rid of that shimmery shammery quimmery quammery style with aeron or whatever they called that hideous theme that used up all your sys resources.