longtime windows programmer on os x
I normally avoid debates like this, but since I was here (posting the question about malloc problem on Leopard), and have been working across all platforms for a year or so ....
After 20 yrs of windows programming, mostly game development, I'm now doing scientific software that is cross platform (windows, os x, linux). I love it. Probably because learning new environments is fun, and as the wall st. poster pointed out, after working in windows for a long time you just get bored - you want something new, (anything!).
That said, when I have lots of complex coding to do, I force myself to work in visual studio on windows - because it's integrated build/debug cycle just completely rocks compared to anything else available on any platform - and it's not hard to understand why, since MS has employed an army of very smart very well-paid people for a very long time building these tools. (BTW, very functional versions of these are available freely - VS2005)
I love the unix/linux thing, and I love working on my mac, I'm just not nearly as productive on it. I'm hoping this will change as I learn gdb/xcode better, but I think it's fair to say this still has catching up to do compared to vstudio for effeciency - again not hard to understand why - these guys target 1 processor family running 1 operating system, unlike gdb etc... BTW, I work almost exclusively in VC6, which is probably a decade old by now. I haven't used xcode 3 yet.
Finally, I'd be one step closer to trashing my windows PC if I could find anything that worked half as well as OneNote for keeping notes on my many complex projects. OneNote and VisualStudio are the only reasons I own a windows computer, and why it is my main work machine still. (when I 'play' now, it's always on the mac)
-fa, austin tx