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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Dec 9, 2010
Is there any reason a flashed card, would perform less in Windows? Do the AMD drivers work fine? Max FPS on games?

Just pondering whether I should keep, or ditch my gaming PC (yet again). :rolleyes:
Is there any reason a flashed card, would perform less in Windows? Do the AMD drivers work fine? Max FPS on games?

Just pondering whether I should keep, or ditch my gaming PC (yet again). :rolleyes:

You could just use the HD5870 in your gaming PC. Saves you the cost of a whole new rig, and the hassle of flashing.
I have a card for my gaming box and Mac. A 6950 and "official" 5770, respectively.

The idea is to have only one machine. This "all-in-one" machine had a number of drawbacks when I was weighing my options, not long ago. So I went the simpler route, and ended up with two computers. :(

Now I'm considering it again, for various reasons.

So what I'm asking was, is a 5870 with custom firmware on a Mac any different than the same card on a PC?
From what I understand, yes there are some differences. A flashed card in a Mac Pro can used only one DVI port, so if you want to use a second monitor there can be issues, I could be wrong on this, but I believe it is the case. Some cards have issues on boot up where there is a grey screen for a few seconds before it boots into OS X, again not sure if this has been resolved.

I considered a flashed card but then decided I didn't want to risk having issues down the road, and paid the extra money for a proper Apple video card. You may never have issues down the road, but you are essentially fooling the Mac by using a flashed card, so I think its hard to say there may not be issues with future updates or Lion.
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