Thanks for the clarification. I will be patient then.
There are some worthwhile things in the GDR1 update. One is allowing for tethering (via wifi or BT now!) and A2DP syncing updates. (If you connect your phone to your car, this update may alleviate certain sync/delay/clicking problems. I stress 'may alleviate'. I am currently 2000 miles from home in a crappy rental car, so can't yes this feature out.)
IE is much better in terms of rendering pages, but there are still issues with websites like this one, as I mentioned above. I don't know if it is coding specifically for this webpage or something inherent in IE?
And of course, making folders is easier now and a built in feature. Don't need the app 'App Folders' any more.
So, you may want to consider the dev edition download if any of these things are beneficial to you.