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macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 25, 2018
I went away from Mac OS on Lion. I did love it. But since than I became a Windows power user and found it somehow good (sorry ?). Now I came back to Mac as I do like MacBooks and Win isn’t great here.
And old toys don’t really fit new habits. I want to make MacOS more adequate :D

Those are the major problems I wish to have a fix to:

1. CMD+TAB to cycle between windows, not apps;
2. Show minimized/hidden apps in Mission control etc;
3. Unminimize/unhide by CMD+TAB;
4. Don’t bring all program’s windows when I need one only;
5. Multiple icons in dock for multiple windows (the same in CMD+TAB);
6. App preview as in task bar in Win 7;
7. QMD+Q to close a window, not the whole program. And quit if it’s the only window left;
8. Red circle to act the same as CMD+Q (but never quit if app should stay running, messengers etc);
9. CMQ+Q for Finer windows :D;
10. (Anyway, some kind of unification is much needed for windows management)
11. When app’s menu is too long, it hides the icons in menubar, there must be something to show them;
12. Run/open by Return;
13. Sequential selection by ↑↓←→ in Finder, Preview etc;
14. Unified back/forward shortcut as ALT+←/→. I can’t find how to navigate in Finder fast (I mean I f*** tired my navigation is not based on a plain list of files but on how it's currently layed out in Finder instead. An upmost stupidity level!)
15. The same for trackpad gestures. It works only with three-finger swipe, but it works inverted to regular two-finger swipe and confuses me a lot, that’s quite stupid;
16. THIRD MOUSE BUTTON (aka «CAD mouse») on trackpad. The thing is there must be an easy way to hold and drag it, click isn’t a solution;
17. In Windows you can ctrl+click to select one more item in Explorer, and Shift+click to select one more and every one in between. I think MacOS does lack it much;
18. I use Anvir Task manager a lot, it adds «recent places» in Explorer and I can’t use it without this feature. Is there something similar for MacOS Finder?;
19. I never thought I need it, but… Any more informative file copy info window?;
20. On Windows when you eject a disk it’s spindle stops. MacOS doesn’t take care of that and it might be dangerous for a mechanical drive. Is there a solution?

So, please, suggest me some fixes! Those things aren't really "think different" and aren't a qestion of plain habits, they are "we didn't thought it out well", they aren't good enough.

I think a lot of adopters have some similar issues. So I think this topic is worth to be turned into a wiki for ones seeking solutions. I will write/link the solutions right next to a problem and add new question as I discover them.
And I do hope you’ll suggest some of your own tweaks/fixes/workarounds
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