I need a program like Meta X for the mac just for windows can anyone help me here?
I've spoken with Mr. Hinsley re: this and he said if and when the Apple Version of MetaX includes this ability, the Windows one may follow closely behind. I don't think any tagger, Windows or Mac, can handle 4+ GB files yet. I could be wrong on that though, but what I do is to tag all my less than 4 GB files with MetaX and then just tag my 4 GB plus files in iTunes. I know you can't get all the information via iTunes but at least it's something until a true tagger comes out.
Hmm.. this is weird. I have a couple of files that are 5-6gig files non blu-ray/hd rips and meta x handled them fine? Am I missing something?
I dunno then. He told me that (or maybe wrote that as a response on one of his forum posts) a couple of months ago. Has there been a new version of MetaX for the Mac recently?
Copied all the data and I was able to include a picture etc. Keep in mind it wasn't a HD/Blu-Ray rip.
On the Windows side, HD does not make a difference. It's the file size. I've tagged plenty of my HD rips that are less than 4GB but it gives an error when trying to open a file that is larger than 4 GB. He added that error message in one of the beta's of MextaX saying that 4 GB or more is not supported (I forget the exact error message).