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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 27, 2020
Hi there,

Running out of ideas so figured I'd post here.

I've got a Mac Pro 5,1 from Mid 2010 running Mojave. I got it for free from an old workplace, and set it up to run essentially as a plex server with some windows shares accessible from the rest of my home network. Back then I worked in an place with a mac server environment so I left it at that.
Earlier this year I got bored and upgraded the CPU to one of the 3.3Ghz 6 core Xeons, stuck in 32gb of Ram, and picked up an old HD7970 for around £50/$75. Stuck all that in and it does ok.
However, I am getting to the point where I want to use the Mac as, essentially, a shell of ok hardware with which to run a server environment. So ideally I want to install Windows Server on the machine, fill it with NAS drives and just let it function as a storage space. I don't really care about keeping MacOS, I would happily have it run as a windows machine for the rest of its days.

With all of Apple's locking down etc. nowadays, is it actually possible for me to turn the machine into a completely windows server box? Or am I going to be wasting my time?

If anyone has any tutorials on installing Windows server onto these machines please point me in their direction.

Thanks in advance for the help!
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