I just bought a macbook pro. now i need to know how to get all my music from my windows computer over to the new laptop when it arrives. Can i somehow transfer the music onto it from the ipod?
I just bought a macbook pro. now i need to know how to get all my music from my windows computer over to the new laptop when it arrives. Can i somehow transfer the music onto it from the ipod?
If your ipod is big enough sync your ipod to your library and then download a program(google for it) that will allow you to "sync" your ipod to your MBPro. Or you could do this: http://www.madeincr.com/2005/10/28/itunes-library-transfer/
probably the best way to do this is with an external harddrive. there are, however, programs to get music off of ipods. check the forums for ones that will do this for you.
I just bought a macbook pro. now i need to know how to get all my music from my windows computer over to the new laptop when it arrives. Can i somehow transfer the music onto it from the ipod?