bballguy998 said:
My local office depot is offering an HP pavillion notebook computer, vista capable for $550. The specs dont all match the macbook Pro, which I have to have because of the graphics card, but the specs are close(only diff. up close is AMD processor, and it doesnt burn DVD's), but its 17"...and cheaper. A LOT
Whats the big advantage of a mac over windows. The computer lasts longer ive heard, but is iLife 06' that big a deal, are the apps any good?. The virus situation could always change(or rather the lack of) anytime, so why does apple price their computers so high? One more ?, how long is the suggestive life a MBP not becoming outdated, how many years are they expected to last?
Sorry for all the questions, just debating the pros and cons of Apple over Windows
There are many threads in the forums here that discuss these same things. I would do a search for switcher in the fourms on Macrumors and read them over. There are many pros, but there are a few cons as well. Not many, but some. Price is one, however quality of parts is one big one in Apple's favor I think. I have always been able to easily use every Apple I have owned for more than 4 or 5 years without feeling too outdated. I am still running two different Apple iMacs (early revision- purple and green) with OSX. They are somewhat slow of course now and have little hard drive space, but they are great for my children that don't mind watching the beachball spin for a little while. I have also had great luck reselling my Macs!
Money aside, everything just works together- easily and effortlessly. To make a good decision, start by listing out everything you do with your computer- portability, applications, etc., then read the forums here with an ear to those points you listed, then go to and read about OSX and how each piece is integrated to work together, then go to an apple store or other store that carries them (or friends house) and USE IT. That is the best way to experience the Mac. (Disclaimer- if you use a store one beware that people may have messed with settings, etc to mix things up a little like always happens at computer stores.)
( I am about to replace a keyboard on my current iBook but it is covered under warrenty and it is because the paint is coming off the keys.) I have owned or worked on 9 different Apple machines over they years and not one replacement part has been purchased! I had one performa that had a recalled part but was again covered under warrenty. My family members have gone through numerous mother boards, hard drives, modems, ports, etc. over that same time period. Some of them bought the $500 PC, but some of them have bought more expensive PC's and still had the same issues. Obviously Apples have issues just like any technology and every user will experience this at some point most likely- but Apple specs and is in charge of putting every piece of technology hardware in the computers they sell- That is what makes them better among other things in my opinion.
Do you remember thos kit cars that would use a VW bug engine in a porche body? I do- and the cars sucked but looked good. I see some of these cheap Pc's similarly- you might have what you want on the outside (windows machine) but on the inside who knows what is in there and what corners have been cut.
However, there are nice PC machines and there are some instances people have to buy PC, but that is minimal now with BootCamp on Mac OSX
Good luck,