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macrumors G4
Original poster
Jul 18, 2002
I accidentally my whole location.
Is it just me or...

I heard something coming out of my speakers when I minimized a window on my XP box, I turned it up and it was this wierd buzing noise but it only came on when I minimized the window or maximized it from the tray, it also makes some crackling noises when I type, scroll or switch inbetween tabs (keep in mind I have to have the volume turned way up to hear most of these), I just noticed this now, does anybody else with an XP box have these wierd noises?
I've been forced to use my parrents eMachines while I'm home over the summer from college. I notice that it will cause interferance with my walkman I use to listen to the radio. At first I thought it was the absurdely cheap hard drive they used but it also seems to be when the processor is working hard (which it always is, it seems). Good to know that Apple has the good grace to shield their equipment. Sheesh...anyway, what I'm getting at is its probably just the system's static electric discharge that's messing with the speakers.
I've seen Pcs that have monitors that flicker when you move the mouse, headphones that buz when you type, move the mouse or do anything, I guess it just depends on the hardware
My mum's IBM display emits a high-pitched squeal when there's a lot of white on the screen. She can't hear it, but it drives me crazy! Fortunately I found that increasing the refresh rate significantly reduces the chance of it happening.
My Tibook makes a buzzing noise when attached to my external speakers. I think is has something to do with shielding/quality of speakers. Your problem might be the same.
whenever i boot up my pc and go on the internet, bill gates sells my email address to every fortune 500

what ever became of microsoft getting sued for selling emails?
Hi guys heres what i found wrong with my windows box

the speakers make this huge crackal when anything electriacl is turned on toasters washing machine microwave

Take note washing machine is on the other side of the house no were near the pc the toaster and microwave are in the kitchen and the pc lives next door to that .. as soon as anyone dose anything you get the crack of thnunder ...

also has anyone else had the problem with the browser back button sounds that stupied little click sound for some reason it dont stop no matter if iam viewing off line or on line in a diffrent browser it always click click click every 60 seconds i dont think its anyting to do with refresh rates..

Also iam using a 17 inch monitor crt screen and i cant utlize all the screen space no matter what i try and do i always have 2 bloody bick black spaces i aint got a wide screen wtf gives with it ..

I have also learnt that windows home was really just a test bed for windows xp pro and that the home edditon was cobbled together because windows need to update windows 95 and 98 as for the pro eddition i dont know if the above problems are present but in windows home so far its a none stop bug problem...

Sabenth .


Its actually due to crappy motherboards - you're hearing CPU noise. Some are so bad you get the same noise constantly when you move the mouse. Get a decent motherboard and a decent soundcard and you get silence
My Toshiba 30CDT has the most annoying fan and CD drive.

I can leave the iMac on overnight but I can't stand the PC.
Originally posted by Wardofsky
My Toshiba 30CDT has the most annoying fan and CD drive.

I can leave the iMac on overnight but I can't stand the PC.

I've just been making my pc silent - replaced my case fan with Zalman fans, bought a Zalman Flower heatsink/cpu cooler, a silent PSU and a silencing hard drive enclosure - its one very quiet puppy now! Quieter than any mac i've heard
Originally posted by applemacdude
pc hardware sucks...pc software sucks.....enough said:eek:


:) I understand the sentiment, i really do.

However, no matter how strongly you feel about this, extreme wording of the type you used here may not open as many minds to what you want to say as you want.

I too prefer Macs, but PC's have homes in my life as well.

At the least "Know thine enemy". :D

I'm not trying to argue with you - I'm trying to help you have better discussions, because better words lead there.
when i turn on one ofmy pc box it sounds like someone started up a windtunnel(makes about 3x the noise as the windtunnel powermacs so i never really unstood why people complained about the noise........well compared to this pc......and after running it for 3 hours the house is a good 5 degrees warmer,

In winter we dont have to heat the house just turn on this PC...mind you we have a big house, that we do....but it still warms the hole thing! AHH the power and performace of this thing,,,, but does it outweigh the cost..... no give me a quite mac..... anything even the windtunnel PM
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