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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 20, 2018
Ok so im trying to run this app on my mac with wine bottler as ive tried crossover and it has alot of issues and its too complicated. The windows app isnt an installer it comes in a folder and when you run the .exe it needs the files and folders it came with.

Ive tried literally all 3 options in the winebottler. Ive tried installer and tried copy files to app bundle. Nothing works. When i double click the app it opens for a second and then closes.

So please how can i bundle all the folders and files the game needs so it can be run all together from an .app file. Please help!

The game is Mugen 1.0.0 btw and it works perfectly fine on a windows computer
Normally, if the game won't run with Crossover, it's not going to run either with Winebottler or any other WINE derivative. Actually Crossover is just an automated and more sophisticated version of WINE (and not free). You can keep trying with Winebottler by playing around with the bottles and options but like I said, if Crossover can't run it, it may not be possible.
Normally, if the game won't run with Crossover, it's not going to run either with Winebottler or any other WINE derivative. Actually Crossover is just an automated and more sophisticated version of WINE (and not free). You can keep trying with Winebottler by playing around with the bottles and options but like I said, if Crossover can't run it, it may not be possible.

No no crossover works but its not free and I've seen people opening it with wine. Also another thing when I use the 3rd instalation option (copy program and all other folders into app bundle) it gets stuck on "installing" and the app file becomes 15 GB (yes GB) and it keeps on increasing until my Mac runs out of space...why does that happen I mean the entire game and all its files are around 100 MB so how does wine bottler get that data from?
Obviously, something is wrong then with the way you're installing. I've used Winebottler before to install games and it works as long as the game is not complex (calling addition DLLs, etc). That's where Crossover is worth the expense as it will go out and find those DLLs plus IE and any other executables as needed. I bought Crossover when it was on sale, however, the updates and support are good only for one year before they zap you again for more cash.
Obviously, something is wrong then with the way you're installing. I've used Winebottler before to install games and it works as long as the game is not complex (calling addition DLLs, etc). That's where Crossover is worth the expense as it will go out and find those DLLs plus IE and any other executables as needed. I bought Crossover when it was on sale, however, the updates and support are good only for one year before they zap you again for more cash.

Alright thanks I'll try crossover again see if I can find a crack or something
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