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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 12, 2008
Ok i finally got it to work. This is only for At&t customers who have legit contracts ie: you bought the iphone from At&t/Apple and are fully legit,data,voice. Do this at your own risk, you loose all your data. Although there really isnt one. This guide should work for the iphone edge although i didnt test it on it so i cant be 100% sure. I dont know why it would be any different except for maby the firmware

1. Download Winpwn from:
2. Make sure all previous versions of winpwn are uninstalled
3. Install WinPwn
4. Download the 2.0 restore firmware for your device from here:

3g iphone:,1_2.0_5A347_Restore.ipsw
Edge iphone: same? i dont know.

5. Make a folder on your desktop called Winpwn stuff(or whatever you want)
5. Place the 2.0 firmware for your device in that folder
6. Open Up Winpwn
Click the 'Browse ipsw' button. Search for the fw file you downloaded from the internet
7. Wait a minute and then uncheck the activate option under advanced(only if you have previously activated the phone)
8. Click the 'IPSW Builder' button
9. Check Cydia(it should be checked)
10. At the bottom hit 'Build ipsw'. Wait 2 minutes.
11. Open itunes
12. Hit the 'iPwner' button
13. A popup should appear that says " itunes has been pwned'
14. Hit ok
15. Hold down the home button and power button on your ipod for 7 seconds
16. Wait 3 seconds after the ipod turns off and let go of the power button, But still keep holding down the home button for 15 seconds
17. A popup should appear in itunes tell you the ipod is in restore mode. Hit ok
18. Go to itunes
19. Hold shift and click restore
20. Select the Custom firmware you created
21. Wait...a long time( 30 min max)
22. Set up the device as a new(not from backup)
23 Enjoy, or tell me what happened for you

very nice.
i would suggest screenshots for your guide.

btw, there is no need to download 2.0, if you already have it on your iPhone.... do a search for the Itunes iPhone Folder and the firmware will be contained in there. :D
thought id add to this...
thee have been some problems documented relating to WinPwn, id recommend holding off for a bit guys.
Does this erase all the phone's content? ie apps, notes, contacts, email setup, weather setup, etc, etc? Or can you retain all of that somehow?
Does this erase all the phone's content? ie apps, notes, contacts, email setup, weather setup, etc, etc? Or can you retain all of that somehow?

itll erase it.
what you are doing is restoring the phone using a custom firmware.
its just like a normal restore, you loose everything.
itll erase it.
what you are doing is restoring the phone using a custom firmware.
its just like a normal restore, you loose everything.
But with a normal restore, can't you use backup files?

Will they eventually come out with a version that can import certain things from your backup files? I'm mainly worried about my contacts more than anything. I would hate to have to type them all back in.
But with a normal restore, can't you use backup files?

Will they eventually come out with a version that can import certain things from your backup files? I'm mainly worried about my contacts more than anything. I would hate to have to type them all back in.

type them in?
just sync and save them on your PC/MAC.
Hmm, looks like I still have some learning to do.

Glad to know it's possible though, I'll have to look into this before I try anything. Thanks.

probably best mate.
im sure if you do a google search you might come up with something.
any of you guys succeeded with this guide?
btw, whats the % of failure in jailbreaking iphone 3g?
I would like to try to jailbreak my iphone 3g, but im not that confident :(
I'm just trying to clear up some questions that I don't see clarified. Just trying to make this guide better.

This is only for At&t customers who have legit contracts.

By this, do you mean any contract with AT&T, or those with the required data and voice plans for their iPhone?

Click the 'Browse ipsw' button. Search for the fw file you downloaded from the internet

Getting a fw file from the internet was not covered in your earlier steps. Do you have any suggestions where one should get this?

7. Wait a minute and then uncheck the activate option under advanced(only if you have previously activated the phone)

See my first questions.

21. Wait...a long time

Five hours? Fifteen minutes? :confused: Three weeks?

Just trying to help clear some things up before the questions pour in.
I'm just trying to clear up some questions that I don't see clarified. Just trying to make this guide better.

By this, do you mean any contract with AT&T, or those with the required data and voice plans for their iPhone?

Getting a fw file from the internet was not covered in your earlier steps. Do you have any suggestions where one should get this?

See my first questions.

Five hours? Fifteen minutes? :confused: Three weeks?

Just trying to help clear some things up before the questions pour in.

updated in the original post
Care to explain how you got your icons for iTunes, Cydia, and Appstore different? As well as how you changed the background for the lower area?
Care to explain how you got your icons for iTunes, Cydia, and Appstore different? As well as how you changed the background for the lower area?

oh boy. that is just a completely different evening. I might post a guide up here tomorrow. i am leaving the for the rest of the day

Winpwn says Please wait while your Iphone/Ipod is being Jailbroken for like one hour.
On my iphone it shows the custom boot logo i put on there and its just sitting there with the circle with the white dashs. there not moving there frozen.
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