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macrumors Core
Original poster
Nov 14, 2007
1 Geostationary Tower Plaza
Yes, you read right. Winpwn is finally released; however, it comes at a catch. It is disabled in many customizing aspects since it is still buggy according to cmw.

According to cmw firmwares made with Pwnage in a Mac can be used fully with Winpwn. Also, it is mentioned that WinPwn will receive an update as soon as soon as all bugs are reported to cmw and fixed; hence, when all big bugs are reported customization features will be abled.


1. WinPwn downloaded... 55MB
2. Starting WinPwn...
3. iPwner - selecting firmware (I went with 1.1.4)
4. Starting Pwning...Pwnage started its work
5. Reboot in Recovery Mode
6. Placed iPhone in Recovery mode...
7. iPhone screen seems to show pwnage still working
8. iPhone went to normal screen, seems it was 'pwned'
9. Building Costumer IPSW --
10. Firmware completed
12. iPhone is now running 1.1.4 Customized !!!!
13. iPhone wouldn't get signal from AT&T or T-Mobile....Only Wi-Fi works
14. Creating costume firmware that is unactivated
15. IPSW with unactivated settings created
16. Installing.....installed
17. Still no signal
18. Restoring iPhone with stock IPSW (original from Apple)
19. Signal came back....mmmmm I think I know what is going on
20. Pwning iPhone *again*
21. iPhone Pwned
22. Restoring using Costume made firmware with unactivated option
23. Restored
24. Going to Installer.
25. Installing BSD Subsystem and adding source to download and install BootNeuter
>>>>>> REMEMBER: BootNeuter in WINPWN is disabled!! <<<<<<<
26. BootNeuter installed...
27. Setting BootNeuter to the settings I want
28. Flashing!!!
Just when I was about to commence with iLiberty+.

What to do?

Just use iLiberty+? Also, this question may sound way off but as I do the activating/unlocking/jailbreaking, the sims card has to be in correct? My tmo sims in my case. Thanks in advance.
Just when I was about to commence with iLiberty+.

What to do?

Just use iLiberty+? Also, this question may sound way off but as I do the activating/unlocking/jailbreaking, the sims card has to be in correct? My tmo sims in my case. Thanks in advance.

I can't say, I'm using WinPwn as we speak. It crashed on me the first time I tried to pwn my iPhone, however my iPhone's screen seems to have still continued the pwning process.

I will post updates as I go through...
I have updated my FAQ with information about the Windows PwnageTool.

It is beta and will not let you natively unlock and may be likely to crash.

You have to copy the iTunes.DLL files to the WinPwn program file as well.
I have updated my FAQ with information about the Windows PwnageTool.

It is beta and will not let you natively download and may be likely to crash.

You have to copy the iTunes.DLL files to the WinPwn program file as well.

WinPwn did crash when it started the Pwning process, but my iPhone continued along with the process. In the end, iPwner did its job and I have running a 1.1.4 custom firmware...
Well with mine, i used iPwner and it did it's magic on the iPhone with all the scrolling code, the iPhone seemed to disconnect from the computer so WinPwn never new how it was going Lol.

My iPhone then booted up but with the normal Logo.. everything seemd the same as it was before.

So I tried the Custom Firmware (From the ispw builder) and it went straight on and now i've got my custom firmware iPhone ! :)
Used Ziphone v3 to jailbreak mine and had no problems with any items .. I always thought this new Pwnage addition was over-hyped and would create more problems than it solved and the number of new threads with folks having major problems has proved it to be a fact.
The problems are because people are TOO LAZY to read the FAQ!

If you skip any of the steps it won't work and you WILL get error messages!
The problems are because people are TOO LAZY to read the FAQ!

If you skip any of the steps it won't work and you WILL get error messages!

Ummm, no, its not because I didn't read the FAQ. I know the FAQ, if you haven't noticed I even wrote up a FAQ for everyone! You can view that by clicking in my signature.

Also, I have iPhone SimFree iPhone which is why I had problems.... ZiPhone originally repaired the need for and I didn't use it; however, when I PWND and installed the costume firmware on my iPhone, it lost signal since anySIM patch done by ZiPhone was erased.

Now, I understood that when I used the stock firmware the patch was somehow remade and signal came back. [Boot Neuter isn't available for WINPWN] So I tried Pwning my iPhone again, then costumer firmware then I went to Installer and downloaded BootNeuter which patched the costumer firmware with the Neutered 3.9 [my iPhone is originally OTB 1.1.1, hence BL 3.9] and unlocked baseband. [I didn't choose Fakeblank since I am no developer]

Now, my iPhone runs costume firmware with BL 3.9 Neutered and unlocked and patched using AppSupport(1.1.4).

There Spinstorm, stop saying I didn't read FAQ, you are helpful, but screaming to people "read FAQ' isn't helpful, go that extra mile and explain some things outside your thread.... Now that helps
I was not having a go at you... lol

I know you wrote one yourself - I was having a go at those people who don't read and can't be bothered to read.

specifically error 1012... which is down to the baseband not matching the firmware hence the restore errors out. Kick it out with iLiberty and see if it works!
I was not having a go at you... lol

I know you wrote one yourself - I was having a go at those people who don't read and can't be bothered to read.

specifically error 1012... which is down to the baseband not matching the firmware hence the restore errors out. Kick it out with iLiberty and see if it works!

Lol, sorry I misread.... my bad
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