I use Winspit Revolution on windows and it is great. I couldn't find an equivalent for Mac so I wrote up some applescripts to copy the functionality. I bound these scripts to quicksilver triggers and it works great.
This code is largely taken from http://blog.insidesystems.net/articles/category/os-x
So this script is specifically for docking to the bottom.
How do I make this generic so I dont have to copy this code for each dock (left, right, up, down)?
I use Winspit Revolution on windows and it is great. I couldn't find an equivalent for Mac so I wrote up some applescripts to copy the functionality. I bound these scripts to quicksilver triggers and it works great.
on run
tell application "Finder"
set {disp_x1, disp_y1, disp_x2, disp_y2} to bounds of window of desktop
end tell
tell application "System Events"
set frontmostApplication to name of the first process whose frontmost is true
set {menuBarWidth, menuBarHeight} to size of UI element 1 of application process "SystemUIServer"
tell process frontmostApplication
set {x1, y1} to position of front window
set {x2, y2} to size of front window
tell front window
set position to {x1, (disp_y2 + menuBarHeight) / 2}
set size to {x2, (disp_y2 - menuBarHeight) / 2}
end tell
end tell
end tell
end run
This code is largely taken from http://blog.insidesystems.net/articles/category/os-x
So this script is specifically for docking to the bottom.
How do I make this generic so I dont have to copy this code for each dock (left, right, up, down)?