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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jan 9, 2007
This obviously will be a bit subjective but I Just deleted Winterboard and boy does my phone seem much more responsive. It was not crashing all the time per sé but one weird problem is how long it would take before settings would open if at all at times. Now that Winterboard is gone settings opens twice as fast... Strange. My phone just seemed more unstable overall with Winterboard installed. Am I the only one?
Mine is fine, the only thing that messed me all up was intalling Kate. It mady my phone key pad disfunctional, could not look at recent calls , favorites , dial or nothing. I did a full restore and jailbroke it again.

Should have waited another hour as another member hear replied with that solution of uninstalling kate. Wonder if they fixed it.

Do you know how to get BSD Subsystem. I don't see it in installer. I see open ssh and installed that but I see that I need the BSD to make the winSCP thing to work. Not sure how to work all that , kinda new to this but I know that you can do something cool with that and wanted to figure it out.
If you would have asked this a couple of days ago I would have been quick to say I don't see any difference. But today I've noticed a significant lag in some apps starting (especially Settings)...even after reboot. Can't say for sure it's Winterboard, but it's on my list of potential "violators".
Funny cause Winterboard seemed to progressively slow things down. Maybe this is in my head but I do know that settings was taking as much as 15 seconds to load and as the previous poster mentioned a reboot or respring was not helping. With Winterboard uninstalled settings takes about 4 seconds to load. I really liked having the themes but man the lallygagging was driving me nuts.
How many app store apps do you have? I'm thinking it might be related to the App Store checking for updates. There is no correlation between the Settings and WinterBoard. WinterBoard doesn't use anything in Settings but several App Store apps do... and that's where I've seen the biggest slowdown. Several seconds just to open.

Hmmmm :cool:
How many app store apps do you have? I'm thinking it might be related to the App Store checking for updates. There is no correlation between the Settings and WinterBoard. WinterBoard doesn't use anything in Settings but several App Store apps do... and that's where I've seen the biggest slowdown. Several seconds just to open.

Hmmmm :cool:

You know I would logically agree with you but both SMS and Settings were taking forever to load with Winterboard installed. I don't know why or how and I was not using Customize. I have about 30 applications; once I uninstalled Winterboard both SMS and Settings greatly improved... I don't know what else to relate it to. This may have been an issue with my install and not all the way around. I have not tried to go back and install it again because I really don't need the app. Really the only reason I jailbroke was for 3proxy since I missed Netshare... but now I have that too. Bonus. :D
Nope. True. Google it. It slows Dow a lot.

I can hear if a capicity breaks on a guitar amp and it loses sparkle. I can also sense when things slow down and have a uncanny sense if time. Uninstalled winterboard and it's much fast. Tom tom loads twice as fast now. No more lags in other programs.

Ps what happened to gf caller? Says it's there in app store but when I go to get it, it says no longer available.


You know I would logically agree with you but both SMS and Settings were taking forever to load with Winterboard installed. I don't know why or how and I was not using Customize. I have about 30 applications; once I uninstalled Winterboard both SMS and Settings greatly improved... I don't know what else to relate it to. This may have been an issue with my install and not all the way around. I have not tried to go back and install it again because I really don't need the app. Really the only reason I jailbroke was for 3proxy since I missed Netshare... but now I have that too. Bonus. :D
Wow, reliving the past... :) I just looked at the hacks section and there was the topic started I started just over a year ago! And yes, Winterboard still slows down my phone on 3.01.
Wow, reliving the past... :) I just looked at the hacks section and there was the topic started I started just over a year ago! And yes, Winterboard still slows down my phone on 3.01.

I'm glad I saw this thread. Just for s&g I went into Poof! And disabled WB just to see mainly out of curiousity what would happen...let's just say I doubt I'm going to use WB again! This thing was a slug before!

I think I can Live without it...I'm sure there is life after winterboard. Right? :p
Wow, reliving the past... :) I just looked at the hacks section and there was the topic started I started just over a year ago! And yes, Winterboard still slows down my phone on 3.01.

Well I just hacked mine a few dats ago. Was terrified that I would brick it. But now with pwnagd and it installing app sync makes its so easy. Free tethering is the best. I am a AT&T customer and have been for years and got the iPhone last august. I jail broke mine since 1. apple never released gps turn by turn and 2. Tom Tom was to expensive/overpriced plus now you can use
any "and" the author of google voip emailed me yesterday. Hops to het my copy soon

I love the tv show Lost, I LOVE my jailbroken phone. Just wish we could overclock macs. A new hackntosh may be in our future if there is no mid rNgw soon. An i7 machine can so hurdles over the fastest iMac MacBook pro. Some say evn a mac pro and as a video audio person, I would benwfit from all those cores. Really tired so aplogize aa I can't keep
my eyes open, really. Lol

a few more ???? To ANYONE that can anwser.
Early 2008 had 800 fsb, why did apple hardwire it to 667 making 800
DDR useless?

Last, if you jailbreak your phone running at 3.0 what happens if you update to 3.01? How did you get 3.1 jail broken? Didn't think it was possible yet. So in my case, how do I go from 3 to 3.1? Best solution?

Wow, reliving the past... :) I just looked at the hacks section and there was the topic started I started just over a year ago! And yes, Winterboard still slows down my phone on 3.01.

Well it could be due to a few things. Just read there was a huge spike in jail broken phones after Apple pulled Google voip
now with Tom Tom being so pricey, we may see more.

please let me know when you have the time, best way to go from 3 to
3.1(or anyone), thanks.
Going from the iPhone 3G to the 3GS, Winterboard's performance has vastly improved - or maybe the increased specs of the iPhone are just capable of handling the program better. But I haven't experienced any slowdowns with it since I switched to the 3G S.
i removed it and will not go not using anything but 5 column and 5 icon springboard....winterboard on a 3g isnt great, its not terrible...but it does slow it down alot.

If i want to customize my icons and such, ill just SSH into the phone and do it that way.

I was hearing that winterboard settings does use less resources, however, i never tested it might be what you need if you cant live without winterboard.
Maybe it's just me, but yeah, while I notice a TINY bit of lag now that I'm using WB (like maybe opening Settings takes 2 seconds instead of less than 1), I'm more than willing to live with it. I like the ease of customization so much; there's just so much more fun to be had with tweaking everything I can get my hands on.

Besides, I'm coming from a BlackBerry, so the 3GS would still seem lightning fast even if response times quadrupled. :)
Maybe it's just me, but yeah, while I notice a TINY bit of lag now that I'm using WB (like maybe opening Settings takes 2 seconds instead of less than 1), I'm more than willing to live with it. I like the ease of customization so much; there's just so much more fun to be had with tweaking everything I can get my hands on.

Besides, I'm coming from a BlackBerry, so the 3GS would still seem lightning fast even if response times quadrupled. :)
So there's WinterBoard lag, on the 3GS as well? :(
If there was simply a way to get rid of the dock background (transparent), and have a user selectable background, I would dump WB. Anyone know how to do either manually without WB?
So there's WinterBoard lag, on the 3GS as well? :(

Honestly, it's so barely noticeable that I wonder if I might be imagining it. I mean, to some people it might be soooo slooooooow, but to me it's not worth sweating an extra second or two (and that's the MAX I've seen. It hasn't adversely affected a thing. Of course, I don't play a bunch of games and whatnot where it could potentially be more noticeable, so YMMV.) I'm still thrilled with my performance.
The biggest problem with winterboard is the themes. Majority of them are poorly designed and will do stuff like put black text and a almost black background.

It does cause performance issues but so did pdanet.
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