i have a 3g iphone running firmware 2.2.1 i have winterboard installed and i downloaded a couple of themes. i want to create a custom theme using ssh. but i have questions regarding how to make a custom theme.
-where is my themes folder? i have watched a couple of youtube videos on sshing and they use different paths to get to the themes folder. one said that it was in library i think, the other went into slash, var, stash i think?
-what if you leave something out. like the one video i watched the kid changed an icon, but he only changed one. my question is what if i leave something out like let's say the Wallpaper.png file, will my iphone just use the default Wallpaper.png file?
-folder hierarchy, like what folder goes into what folder. the videos i watched had a main folder (i was going to call mine My first theme) and then a Wallpaper.png file in the main folder and then an icons folder in the main folder. what about the dock.png file?
-what are the names, like Wallpaper.png, is that what it is called, upper case W? what about dock etc. ?
-is there any way to skrew something up, like if i restart the springboard and my dock is gone and there are no icons where the dock was?
-where is my themes folder? i have watched a couple of youtube videos on sshing and they use different paths to get to the themes folder. one said that it was in library i think, the other went into slash, var, stash i think?
-what if you leave something out. like the one video i watched the kid changed an icon, but he only changed one. my question is what if i leave something out like let's say the Wallpaper.png file, will my iphone just use the default Wallpaper.png file?
-folder hierarchy, like what folder goes into what folder. the videos i watched had a main folder (i was going to call mine My first theme) and then a Wallpaper.png file in the main folder and then an icons folder in the main folder. what about the dock.png file?
-what are the names, like Wallpaper.png, is that what it is called, upper case W? what about dock etc. ?
-is there any way to skrew something up, like if i restart the springboard and my dock is gone and there are no icons where the dock was?