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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 12, 2009
New York
Guys i have been reading all the post regarding the bluetooth issues with the wireless keyboard and mouse. Now base on that, is it worthy getting the wireless KB and MM from apple, or should i get wire KB and MM? Thanks
if you don't use the number pad, the wireless keyboard is great. The mighty mouse, is well, the mighty mouse. They are fine when they work, but getting it to work regularly is at times special.
Just got my Mac Pro Nehalem yesterday with the wireless keyboard (I already had a Logitec bluetooth mouse) and they are working great. How many PC's in the world would work with bluetooth hardware at the beginning of the boot up process? It's so beautiful having no wires on my desk. I recommend going for it.
Wireless is nice but I cant get used to it lol. I love my dinovo edge too much :)

ALthough it sucks terribly not having a number pad : /
I am worry about the bluetooth issue and not the way it looks. I do want to get the wireless set but i don't want to experience headache with the bluetooth issues some iMacs are having.
Blar blar the bluetooth issues are over the top imo!

I have a new iMac with wireless setup and yes it has lost connection twice I think now, but it's no big deal, I almost expect that and it takes 2 seconds to reconnect it and it's forgotten. Just worth it to have no wires!

It's no more annoying that sometimes having to find a strong signal on a mobile phone, it's just a normal thing I feel. Except, most users I reckon have no issues, I havn't had any big BT issues and my bro who has an imac has had none at all.

The only headache was setting it up on XP at the start, took a while but I was doing the right thing, then suddenly it worked, odd.
Like saracen, I have the wired keyboard and am using the wireless mouse. Even though the fact of having no wires is nice...the wireless mouse is a bit quirky with the "right click." There seems to be a sweet spot that I haven't mastered.

I would have picked up the wireless keyboard but I need my numbered keypad.

As for BT issues...I've been using it on the new 2009 mini for about 7 days and it had a pairing problem once. Seemed to resolve itself with a restart.
I've always enjoyed having the two extra USB ports on the keyboard, so I've never gone wireless. It does make the set up nicer, but I prefer the convenience of the additional ports.
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