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macrumors member
Original poster
Feb 8, 2009
Hanover, NH
Anyone have any opinions on this? I just purchased my first mac (a macbook 2.4) and I'd love to buy a mini, but I can't justify it until it gets an upgrade. Here's to hoping that the sources in this article are wrong, since 2010 is little too far away for an upgrade for my taste....
I'll say the same thing I said in the other similar thread to this.

That article is such a load of crap, the way you get out of a recession to innovate your way out. Also if apple refused to follow analysts advice on macbook pricing why would they follow their advice on when to release new products. Sometimes it seems to me that analysts just spout out anything hoping to be right. I guess that means Snow Leopard is moved to 2010 and no new iPhone this year. What a load of crap!
Sounds about right and sadly I don't think it will garner any support on a rumors site. Just look at the mac pro. There's a whole lot of commotion about getting an update in June, but the entire gainstown thread is populated by enthusiasts... and enthusiasts don't translate into sales for apple (just look at the specs of gaming enthusiasts rigs on their forums).

I think apple knows when to push people for more money, in my opinion the mini and iMac's next update will be the new mobile quad processors.... the next mac pro update will be later this year (towards christmas).

I'd love to see it earlier, I just think that no one (or at least the volume of people needed to make it profitable) is really chomping at the bits to get a performance boost right now. Quite honestly (when it comes to the mac pro), dual quad 2.8's should be enough for most power users for at least another year or so. And no target iMac or Mac Mini users (think your mom) are really throwing a fit because their computers are behind the curve. I know at work (database modeling, administration) I make due with a single quad (2.4 I think?) now
By then Apple might as well not bother with the Mac Mini.

Yeah, right now it is sounding like not many people are buying them at all. They will probably just discontinue them since it has been so long and they have done nothing even mentioning the Mini.
I'll say the same thing I said in the other similar thread to this.

That article is such a load of crap, the way you get out of a recession to innovate your way out. Also if apple refused to follow analysts advice on macbook pricing why would they follow their advice on when to release new products. Sometimes it seems to me that analysts just spout out anything hoping to be right. I guess that means Snow Leopard is moved to 2010 and no new iPhone this year. What a load of crap!

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While I was at the apple store last weekend buying my mini I watched two or three people leave the store with them. The salesman said that they sold almost as many mini's as apple TV's.

I guess my point is that the mini fits a great market and a nitch market at the same time. Home theater and desktop. Now if apple is smart their new upgrade to the mini will allow it to dominate the home theater integration market.

In the next two years you will no longer be able to buy CRT based home theater tv's leaving only DLP,LCD,PLasma and their derivitives. These are perfect for hooking up HTPC's to and maximizing your experiance. An upgraded mini can replace an entire slew of products.

DVD Burner-1-300.00
CD Player-50-200
HD DVD Player 2-500

Now if you go higher end on those numbers you come out spending about 800-1200. Now imagine the add where you see a AV Rack full of equipment blinking lights and cable management cluster screw, then you see an av rack with a lone mini sitting in it. All that and you save money. That is how you sell product during a recesion. Its all about percieved value. If they upgrade the mini and keep its price point stable throw some marketing dollars into it they will have a killer product that will sell very well.
Could I interest you in a prepackaged mortages/derivatives package I've been working on? Almost 0 risk!

Uhhh.. He's right. That isn't the prescription for the economy at large, but I've worked at enough large tech companies to know that innovating through a downturn works everytime it's tried. I don't think anyone can argue against innovating for the purposes of increasing market share during a downturn. If so, let me know.
Yeah, right now it is sounding like not many people are buying them at all. They will probably just discontinue them since it has been so long and they have done nothing even mentioning the Mini.

If no one's buying them, why are they always a top seller on Amazon and the refurb Minis usually disappear within a day from the Apple Store?
I think the people the knock the mini the most are either people who dont own one or people who are from the school of fidding and customizing everything on thier systems.

I used to be a pc guy who never bought off the shelf systems and loved to fiddle with a piece by piece system. I would spend hours figuring out hardware conflicts and why something refused to post. In the end I would pull incremental increases in performance. Well now in my life I could give a chit about benchmarks and all I really want is something that is stable, easy and fun. That is why I bought a mini, it was perfect for me. Granted I had it two days before I opened her up and dropped in 4gigs of ram but that was the only spec I found that was unacceptable.

Apple isnt stupid and while everyone says the tower is dead to consumers I think the giant box might be on its way out but the little box is just comming into its own.
Could I interest you in a prepackaged mortages/derivatives package I've been working on? Almost 0 risk!

I do not know how this pertains to my argument. Are you saying that because I am suggesting that the way out of a recession is to innovate that somehow it is related to the current financial state.
Er, that article was written by Brian Chen. He is consistantly WRONG about any and all predictions relating to Apple. Last article I read from him was about how the mac mini was to be released at January's Macworld ...
Economy isn't going to be fixes in few months, it takes years. Apple doesn't care about it. New iMacs comes in Q1, that's almost sure
So pretty much he's saying since desktops saw a 25% decrease in sales last year, they'd rather see a 100% decrease in desktop sales this year by not releasing any?

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