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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 23, 2010
Los Angeles, CA
Will the ipad/iphone ever get an app or update that allows for the device to sync wirelessly with itunes on a computer (if connected via bluetooth or the same wifi network)? It would be great to sync notes (from note-taking applications for school especially) and/or music, etc to an application based on a desktop or laptop computer. (with itunes or a mirror app that is both downloaded on the idevice and your computer).

I know that Android just got something like this, and I feel like there is such potential for the i-device line, especially because of all the amazing apps!

Thoughts, comments?
Someday, and Steve will make it sound like it's something that's never been done before.
it seems like they are heading in that direction with all the wireless integrations like air play.... but I can do it now with wifi-sync on my jailbroken phone and it works perfectly :cool:

but like intell said Steve Jobs will make it sound like it's revolutionary and never done before once apple decides to release it.
agreed (about the calling it revolutionary thing haha).

But I also feel that we are heading in that direction, and I'm pretty happy about that! :)
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