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macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 5, 2020
Does anyone know why wireless charging is not offered on iPads or Tablets?
Or maybe it due to if the back of an ipad was made of glass then it would break very easy being so much bigger then the rear glass on a mobile phone
It’s a few things -
1. iPad batteries are too big for wireless charging when it comes to per watt charging capacity.

2. Such huge glass back would be too fragile at this point to even give it a try.

3. To charge that huge battery wirelessly will generate a lot of heat to the point of it being unsafe.
There are some ideas that come to mind that could make it happen - to a degree...

- Use the Apple Logo as a glass panel, the rest of the back of the iPad can be aluminum or whatever to keep it

- It would help to use magsafe to help "click" into place with compatible chargers.

- Charging would be limited in speed/watts in order to better control the heat. Maybe a dynamic charging rate based on thermal readings (or whatever tech)

Likely, this wouldn't be the most ideal way to charge as USB-C could do it much more efficiently. However, it would be nice to be able to get some charge using wireless. My kids have tried to put the iPad mini on the wireless charger and couldn't believe it didn't work. We would leave it on the charger all night, so a slow charging rate would not be a problem for that iPad. Wireless charging for iPad is not a big deal to me. It would just be nice sometimes.
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