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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 18, 2020
How do I set up an Airport Extreme on the other end of a wireless bridge? I have an Aiport Timecapsule connected via ethernet cable to an EZ-Bridge-Lite EZBR-0214+ High Power Outdoor Wireless Point to Point System between my house and barn. In the barn the receiver connects to an Airport Extreme via ethernet cable.

The settings allow for the Airport Extreme to be in Connect Using: 'DHCP' or 'Static', and Network Mode: 'Extend a wireless network' or 'create a wireless network'. If I 'create a wireless network' then I can chose a Router Mode: 'Off (Bridge Mode)' or 'DHCP only' or 'DHCP and NAT' in the Network tab. Not clear to me the proper settings.


macrumors 68020
Aug 27, 2015
on the land line mr. smith.
Will be interesting to see what folks say...never done this with an AX. Always used a dedicated bridge that would extend the existing no routing or DHCP required, no second SSID.

I would try int in Bridge Mode, based on not wanting a second network. Less is more. Just a guess though.


macrumors 65816
Jul 30, 2009
Router mode Off (Bridged Mode) is right. Connect using DHCP.

For WiFi, Create a Wireless Network. Your choice on SSID\Password, you can either match the router credentials, or use separate.

The wireless bridge is basically Ethernet as far as the Airport device sees it. The WAN port on the remote AP will join the Ethernet and how the Ethernet gets data to and from the remote AP is none of its concern. It will then act as a bridge for wireless clients and use Ethernet to communicate with the router.

The wireless bridge does a similar thing, it uses Ethernet to talk to either end, and WiFi to connect the two segments.
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