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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 25, 2007
North Carolina
Anyone here rockin the wireless shutter remote for the XTi?

Curious if you have any rants/raves about it...

Didn't even realize that the XTi had compatibility for a wireless remote! :p


macrumors 68020
Nov 14, 2003
Washington, DC
I don't have one yet, but I want one. :) It's one the the remaining four items that I feel I can "justify":

wireless remote
430EX flash
battery grip and batteries
another memory card (so I can shoot my friend's wedding in RAW)


macrumors 6502
Apr 5, 2006
It seemed something interesting when I first found out about it.

But I bought a wired one for my Rebel 7 years ago.

My cat ate the cable about a month ago.

I tried to replace it. I searched around. Finally, the wireless one didn't convinced me. I was about to buy another wired remote.

My friend fixed my wired remote. I would never get a wireless for my XTi.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 6, 2006
Nassau, Bahamas
I don't have one yet, but I want one. :) It's one the the remaining four items that I feel I can "justify":

wireless remote
430EX flash
battery grip and batteries
another memory card (so I can shoot my friend's wedding in RAW)

I have the Nikon remote for my D40x, and love it to pieces. Great for self-portraits and long exposures. 60 second exposures at f22 and ISO 100 become clean, sharp, and easy.

I may be one of the few who would say this, but I think an external flash is invaluable... sometimes maybe more so than a lens. I have the Nikon SB-600 (roughly equiv to the 430EX) and I bought it over a 50mm 1.8. I think it's actually done more for my photos than the lens would have. Problem is, now I have the flash I want the lens (and others) as well.
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