Everyone has there own taste in routers. My last router was a Linksys speedbooster, I upgraded from that to a netgear rangemax wpn824. The netgear is the biggest POS I have ever owned. I have resetup this router via tech support (trying to get a replacment) 2 times now. It drops connection 2-5+ times a day. The more I'm on the router, the more it happens. If I'm on the computer all day, it will happen more then 5 times. Yesterday (saturday) I lost connection about 13 times all within 4 hours. I have to reboot the router and the connection comes back.
My next purchase will be a belin n1 (within the month I'll make this purchase).
Stay away from Netgear, there faulty products suck and there tech support sucks more when you try getting a replacment.
If you have the time to spend 2 hours on the phone and then, they tell you to call back if you have the same problem and you call back and spend another 2 hours doing the same ****. If you can handle this, purchase a netgear. Stay with Belkin or Linksys if you want something that just works. I search and read reviews all the time. The Belkin Pre n and Belkin N1 is the product to go with (highly recommended from the reviews I been reading over the last few months)
I never had problems with linksys other then wireless range, that was the reason for my upgrade. (not only that, netgear looked so much like my imac, white) I'm not buying for looks anymore, belkin is my next purchase.