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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 1, 2010
I have the new iMac wireless keyboard, and on my older 2007 iMac which sits a few feet away from the new computer I have the wired keyboard. The older iMac is on wifi and works fine. Now the question is I've tried using the new wireless keyboard to see if it would work on the older iMac, but it doesn't work. I was thinking of buying another wireless keyboard for the older computer and that is why I tried the new wireless on the older iMac to see if it would work before I bought a new wireless keyboard for the old iMac. The new keyboard doesn't seem to work on the old computer. Are these wireless keyboards specific to the computer that came with the computer or not? I don't believe it should be. I just would like to get another wireless keyboard for the older iMac, but if it won't work what's the sense.
On the old iMac I went into keyboard prefs and it said waiting for bluetooth keyboard to be discovered and it says no keyboard found , but it keeps searching for one. I took the new wireless keyboard to the desk of the old computer but it just keeps searching. Bluetooth is enabled on the old iMac. Any advice?
thanks for a reply 
Hi Marto..... - as you likely know Bluetooth (BT) devices first need to be recognize by each other (i.e. set in 'discoverable' mode), and then need to be 'paired' - since your old Mac has Bluetooth available, then the process should work (not sure if keyboard model numbers might make a difference w/ a vintage BT installation?). If you want the Apple brand BT keyboard for your old Mac, then you should have its model number & BT information (system info) and check w/ Apple about compatibility? Check the Apple Support Article HERE for more detailed information.

Of course, you could also look at USB wireless keyboards & mice? Good luck! :)
my older 2007 iMac which sits a few feet away from the new computer...
Keyboard won't pair to two computers at once. Did you shut down your newer Mac before attempting to pair keyboard with the old one?*

*you could also unpair from the newer Mac first, but for testing purposes, shutting down is the easier option.
*you could also unpair from the newer Mac first, but for testing purposes, shutting down is the easier option.
The easier option is to just turn Bluetooth off; no need to shut down the entire computer :) Just be sure to have the keyboard paired to only one computer at a time, as it can be frustrating and a bit confusing to figure out which system it paired to otherwise (unless you want to keep switching Bluetooth off and on between the computers).

If you wanted to use one wireless keyboard between two computers, there are companies that make "easy switch" Bluetooth keyboards that are designed to be used between multiple devices. I know that Logitech makes one, and I believe it has a button on the keyboard itself allowing you to designate which computer it's working with.
Thanks for all the replies, I appreciate it. Patron 22, yes I did shut down the newer computer before trying the keyboard on the older one. That didn't work. I tried turning bluetooth off on the new computer but it just keeps coming back on, it won't stay off. I'm resigned to just using the wired keyboard on the old Mac and let it stay that way. It's no big deal.
Thanks for all the suggestions. 
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